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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: Mass media refers to those media that are designed to be consumed by large audiences through the agencies of technology. These technologies include the Internet, television, newspapers, film and radio, which are used for mass communication. Mass media also include the organizations which control these technologies.In the context of the increasing incidence of HIV/AIDS, research on the sexuality and sexual behaviour of young people has highlighted the media as a significant source of information on reproductive and sexual health matters, and an important influence in young people’s lives, particularly with respect to their interaction with the opposite sex. The study adopted the Gratification theory, Agenda-Setting theory, Knowledge Gaps theory and “Spiral of Silence” theory which capture the social effects of the media. The study concluded that That regular exposure to the media influences the lifestyle of youths negatively and this is the reason for most negative behaviour among youths in our urban centre which is attributed to the media,  That the media though could be a useful tool for disseminations of useful information and a useful tool for societal development, could also bring about social and moral decadence in the society if not properly managed and the educators, parents, community leaders, elites should also by this means help the youths confront the undignified and distorted images so prevalent in today media. The study recommended that the media managers and practitioners should also act as gate-keepers whom should develop media content/messages based on our culture and locally accepted norms.
