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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY: Advertising has often been defined functionally and semantically and there are quite a number of such definitions around. Wright Warner and Winter for example defined advertising as “controlled identifiable information and persuasion by means of the mass media” while the (British) institute of Advertising: Practitioners sees it as presenting “the most persuasive selling message to the right prospects of the product or services at the lowest possible cost”. The history of advertising can be traced to Egypt, where availability of products where local, that is, street wheels used by peddlers to hawk their wares. Greek made use of his by shouting announcement of the sales of the cattle and slaves, in Rome signs were pasted up producing area and gladiator matches. Examples of advertising have also been founded in Pompeii and Carthage Daramola, (2001).

The state popularly defined Advertising “as the product of services inform his potential consumers to why, low and when they should buy that product or services”. Adler and Lever defined advertising consisting of all forms of paid, non personal, all their activities by which oral or visual message are addressed to the public at large or to a selected numbers of people informing them about and influencing them to buy the product and services featured in the advertisements.Newspaper Patronage, tribune newspaper Nigeria. To Adeniran (1989:2) and Ogechukwu (1997) advertising is a group of activities among including dissemination of information in any paid, product or services to compel action in advertisement.

The most popular and widely acceptable definition however seems to be that given by the American Marketing Association (A.M.A) as follow “Advertising is any paid form of non–personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor”. The key words of this definition are paid from”, “non-personal” “presentation and promotion”, ideas, goods or services” and “identified sponsor. A quick consideration of these key words reveals how the American Marketing Associations Committee on definition intends to distinguish advertising from other functions like publicity, personal selling and propaganda with which it is often confused.Newspaper Patronage, tribune newspaper Nigeria.

However, in the period of abundance, films try as much as possible to stimulate demand for their products. They are not satisfied merely with products, and trust them to chance that customers will get to know about their products through the impersonal inter-play of market fearless. If the customers are not in formed. They may not know that particular product or services.

The producers of a new existing product or services must disseminate information about their products in order to gain acceptance for their new products and to compete with others products already established in the market. The task of informing and persuading customers does not even cease with the market acceptance of new products. This is because customers must continuously presented with the products that have gained acceptance, because a market changes when new products comes in to challenge the already existing one.

Further more, businessman are aware that if a better product or better service is rendered, consumers will not necessary take pains to inform themselves of its wants satisfying attitudes and where it can be purchased. Hence the need for advertising the products.Newspaper Patronage

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor. While marketing is known to be activity that has to do with the movement of goods and services from the manufacturer to the customers.


Newspaper publishing is a capital intensive business, which depends solidly on huge amount of capital for is sustainability, also, it depends on readership to attracts advertisement from corporate organization because of the economic hardship in the country, Newspaper organization placed advertisement in the electronic media to highlight their major stories they think will attract readers. The primary aim of every business organization is to make profit and this profit in achieved through the patronage of the class of people the business organization regard as its primary customers.Advertising is a method of impersonal communication using such media as the press, radio, Bill board, television and so on. However, there are a number of problems which need to be carefully stated before any decision can be made about whether to spend any money on advertising at all, let alone how to spend it. For example many people believe that advertising is a waste of money and that media expenditure would be better spending on personal selling. All these are issue in television advertising, hence the need to undergo a study on influence of television advertising on consumer choice of soft drink.


The broad objective of this study is to examine how advertising services as an effective tool for Newspaper patronage. Specifically the study seek:

  1. To find out if readers do buy newspaper because of the advertisement in the newspaper.

  2. To ascertain the extent to which newspaper advertisement has contributed to increase in the patronage of newspapers.

  3.  To determine if Nigerian Tribune Newspaper has been able to satisfy the needs of its numerous customers.


The research intends to ask the following questions:

  1. Do readers buy newspaper because of the advertisement in the newspaper?

  2. To what extent do newspaper advertisement contributed to increase in the patronage of newspapers?

  3. To what extent has advertisement attracted corporate organizations to newspaper in Nigeria?

  4. To what extent has Nigerian Tribune Newspaper been able to satisfy the needs of its numerous customers?


The study will be of benefit to all media organization on the role of advertisement in boosting their products or services patronage among target consumers. Similarly advertising agencies, marketing executives, and media school  will find the study beneficial as it will expose them to the rudiment and importance of advertising. Findings from the study will contribute to existing body of literature and serve as reference material to both scholars and student who wishes to conduct further studies in related field.


The scope of this study covers the literature review of some authors on the advertisings, and vital role it plays in the marketing activities of an organization and its effect on Nigerian Tribune Newspaper as a case study.The information gathered from people will be used to make generalization on the significance of advertising for successful marketing. The study is however delimited to Inhabitants of two local governments were randomly selected in Osun state. Boluwaduro and Boripe Local Governments.


The major limitations of this study is that the newness of the topics as assigned by the project supervisor posed a big challenge to the researcher. Lack of material such as textbook, journals, internet print-outs relevant to carry out the research and renovation of school library were banners to the study. The researcher also  encountered some constraint that was likely to hamper the pace of the study including the respondents unwillingness to participate in the study by refusing to give answers to the survey instrument, to overcome this kind of limitation, the researcher explained the purpose of the study to his respondents and solicited for their cooperation. Despite all these limitations, the research was successfully carried out.


Advertising:  Advertising consist of all forms of paid, non personal presentation, all the activities by wish oral or visual messages are addressed to the public at large or to a selected numbers of people informing them about and influencing them to buy the product or services.

Dissemination: – spread information, knowledge, so that it will reach many people.

Patronage: – patronage is  the support, especially financial that is given to a person or an organization or the system by which an important person gives help or a job to somebody in return for their support.

Organization: – a group who form a business, bank, club etc together in order to achieve a particular aim.

Newspaper – a set of large printed sheets of papers containing news, articles, advertisement etc and published everyday or every week.
