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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

Background To The Study: Advertisements are part of our social environment in the 21st century, and can be seen throughout any industrialized country. The average American is exposed to as many as 5,000 advertisements a day, stated by Jay Walker-Smith, and nearly 10,000,000 in their lifetime (Anderson & Palma, 2010). Ranging from print advertisements to commercials, consumers are bombarded with companies compelling them to purchase a product or service, and if the process of marketing and advertisements is not used in an ethical manner, disastrous results can occur; as such, the advertisements that are part of this environment can alter and potentially damage the audience to which they are being exposed (Gulas, 2000). For instance, certain advertisements can be seen as encouraging selfish, materialistic, and wicked desires (Pollay, 1986). Some have even argued that advertisements compete with prominent spiritual teachings of love, kindness, and goodness (Pollay, 1986).

Not all marketing advertisements are as damaging as others, but some can have long-term effects (Martin, 1993). It is important to note that negatively charged advertisements not only bring upon a change in the mental thinking of a subject, but also influence the actions of that subject (Capella, 2010).

1.2 Statement Of Problem

Advertising, like other promotional techniques, informs, persuades and reminds. It can change consumer’s beliefs, attitudes, images, and behaviour. But for advertising to be effective on national level, enormous expenditures are required.

Successful advertisements do not merely entertain, try to persuade the audience to buy, this is where the problem lies. People tend to have the notion that this persuasive quality of advertising has social effect on its audience, especially on students because they are still within the age of being influenced by the media. Hence, the essence of this study is to take a critical look into the social effects on Nigeria students having OSPOLY students as the population.

1.3 Research Questions

In a bid to research into the social effect of advertising on Nigerian students, the following research question would be asked.

i. To what extent has advertising impact positively on Nigerian students?

ii. Does advertising distort reality in Nigerian students?

iii. To what extent does the exposure of advertising causes anti-social behaviour.

iv. How has advertising by exposing Nigerian student to model product and services improved their life style?

v. To What extent can advertising influence on Nigerian student be controlled?

1.4 Purpose Of The Study

The purpose of this study is not only toward identifying the social effect of advertising on Nigerian students, but also to find possible solution to which the bad effect could be controlled.

It also examines how advertising can be used to change negative behaviour in Nigerian students. For example, reducing materialism in students; intake of alcohol, indecent dressing/behaviour, among others.

The can as well help both the advertisers and the agency to monitor and regulate their advertisement contents.

1.5 Significance Of The Study

The importance of this work is that it will help researchers carry similar study. It will also add to the wealth of knowledge on the effect of advertising. This study will help to identify the social effect of advertising on Nigerian students. Finally it will provide the basis for state holders in planning advertising message.

Similarly, the practitioner would be exposed to the media mix that achieves better results, with respect to wielding influence on civil servants and business community with the applications of advertising tool. Marketers would benefit as the study places them in a better position to design good marketing strategy capable of influencing the consumers especially in cases where paid workers are involved The study would also benefit students and researchers towards understanding the intricacies and technicalities of directing any advert activities to civil servants and business community; it would also be of benefit to free lance readers for enrichment of general knowledge.


The OSPOLY under study was grouped as an area of study with emphasis on students in the institution.
