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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: This study seeks to determine the relationship between bank competition and banking system stability in the Nigerian banking industry. Annual data were employed in the course of this research. The sources of the data employed were the Central Bank of Nigeria and Nigeria Stock Exchange Fact Book. Three macroeconomic variables and the entire banks quoted in the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The dependent variable for the study is Z-Index. While concentration ratio of the first three largest bank, concentration ratio of the first five largest bank, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, Lerner Index, gross domestic product, interest rate and inflation rate, return on asset, capital structure, operating leverage and non- performing loans to total asset ratio were the independent variables. The study employed the use of panel data regression in its analysis. The study found that capital structure, CR5, HHI, GDP, interest rate, operating leverage and Lerner Index all have positive signs were positively related to bank stability. The study revealed that competition, Bank risks and returns on asset were the only variables significant at the 5% significant level. The instability in Nigerian banking system is as a result of competition among banks, and inefficient use of the bank’s assets.
