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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: The broad objective of this study is to examine the impact of the mass media on rural development in Anambra East local government. Survey research design was employed for the study and with the convenience sampling the method, 80 participant was enrolled for the study of which 77 was validated for the study. The project employed the use of questionnaire to sources of data which is administered to the residents of Anambra east LGA as well as personnel interview and observation while the collected data was analyzed using frequencies and tables. Hypothesis was tested using Pearson Correlation. Findings from the study revealed that mas media has done a whole lot for rural dwellers ranging from encouraging rural people on the need to deviate from crimes and vices, providing  rural people with information on poverty alleviation programmes, conducting development talkshows and campaign as well as informing them on available government grants as this will contribute to their socio-economic growth. The study therefore recommends that  Rural forms of communication should not be neglected in the rural development process. Even though most rural dwellers prefer radio, it may be for the additional reason of prestige. More so,  message designers need to incorporate many traditional forms of communication in their multi-media rural development strategy.
