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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

Background of the Study: Journalism can be described as day-to-day activities or operation of gathering and transmitting of a news or information to a large audience through a suitable media or channel. It can also be regarded as the events of the day condensed into few words, sounds or pictures to satisfy the human’s curiosity of a world that is, always interested in knowing what new (Longman dictionary 1984). The introduction of journalism and its media are (Electronic and Print) which have a lot in reducing the rate of ignorance in the society, because from the general observation both media have been disseminating information to the general publics. The journalists are those that practices journalism in Nigeria and other countries, the journalists are always in problem each time they disseminate the news story that against important personality, most especially the politicians. Therefore, this research is meant to let the people and entire publics know the level at which the hazard and prospects of journalism had been existing in Nigeria. The media are the bridge between the government and the governed as well as the mouthpiece of the society A basic duty of the media professionals in every society is to be a civic watchdog whose mission is to uncover secrets / issues and keep the government accountable to society. As observed by Itule & Anderson (2007:397), to achieve this often demands investigation and in-depth work which requires researching, digging deeply, interviewing and writing. It must be noted that fact-finding and fact-giving are some of the basic goals of journalism. Hence, it is necessary to determine any doubtful issue and that must be made public too. However, Ugwu, (2010) observes that investigative journalism in a developing nation like Nigeria is threatened with numerous challenges which are almost crippling its proper practice, its prospects notwithstanding.

Isamuko (2011), says the press is a molder of the society. Although the facts have been lashed with numerous criticisms, we cannot deny the fact that the press shapes the society. Most journalists are aware of this fact; hence they are determined even to the extent of sacrificing their lives, to give the society what it desires. The reporter who is scampering to meet a politician who has just alighted from an airplane; the reporter who is on a wired boat sailing into a remote mangrove to find out the extent of damage flood has wrecked in an area is trying to keep the society abreast on what is happening around them. (Ewuola, 2005).

The function of news gathering and news dissemination has not been a rosy one for the journalists, from the inception of journalism and newspaper publication in Nigeria. There has been cat and mouse relationship between the press, society, organization, politician and the governments of all ages, whether military or civilian, except when the press allows itself to be cajoled, used and manipulated by the governments or personal interest of the so called ‘big power’ to suit its whims and caprices.

According to MacDougall (1999), Journalism could be defined as Newsgathering, fact finding and reporting of things the way it appears at the moment of reporting, not a definitive study of a situation. This also includes news reporting and commentaries delivered by Radio and Television. However, Wainwright (1992), describes Journalism as day-to-day activities or operation of gathering and transmitting of news or information to a large audience through a suitable media or channel. It can also be regarded as the events of the day condensed into few words, sounds or pictures to satisfy the human curiosity of a world that is, always interested in knowing what is new. The Longman Dictionary 1984 (7th edition), sees Journalism as the collection and editing of materials of current interest for presentation through the new media. In a nutshell, it is the act of looking for news event and editing the unwanted part before it is served to the public who are the final consumers. The journalists are those that practice journalism in Nigeria and other countries, the journalists are always in problem each time they disseminate the news story that are against important personality, most especially the politicians. To this end this research is to X-ray some of the hazards of journalism and find some remedies or way out especially as new freedom of information law has now become law in Nigeria.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

There are claims that journalism has been in the decline since its hay days in the 1970s, and many investigations are now more concerned with entertainment than information (Harcup,2009:110). However, investigative journalism as practiced in Nigeria is ineffective as it is constrained by several problems despite its bright prospects. More often than not, journalists publish half-truth, distorted stories and outright falsehood without in-depth investigation, thereby making rumours, unsubstantiated claims and emotions the bedrock of information gathering. This provoked this study of journalism in Rivers State of Nigeria. The findings of this research would enable journalists to appreciate their collective challenges in the field of journalism. The study would serve as a platform for further empirical study on the topic under investigation.
