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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


This study evaluates the Impact of Information and Communication Technology on The Management of State Tertiary Institutions in Niger State, Nigeria. To guide the study, five

(5) objectives were formulated which include determine the impact of information and communication technology (ITC) on communication in tertiary institutions in Niger State, Nigeria, evaluate the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on records keeping in tertiary institutions in Niger State, Nigeria, assess the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on educational research in tertiary institutions in Niger State, Nigeria in line with stated objectives five (5) research questions, five (5) null hypotheses and five (5) basic assumptions were raised for the study. Relevant and related literatures and empirical study were reviewed. Descriptive research design was used for the study with the total population of 15,308 made up of 50 leaders of institutions, 8000 academic staffs and 7258 non-academic staffs. Purposive sampling technique was adopted for the study with the total number of 365. Self- developed questionnaire which comprised of fifty (50) structured item statements were modified on a five (5) point Likert scale which was used to collect data from the respondents. The instrument was validated by the researcher‘s supervisor. Plot study was conducted in two schools to ascertain reliability and reliability co-efficient of 0.82 was obtained. Data collected for this study was analyzed through frequency and simple percentage for demographic data, descriptive statistic was used to analyse the bio- data of the respondents, weighted mean otherwise called decision was used to answer the five (5) research questions; while one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Statistical tool was used to test the five (5) hypotheses postulated for this study at 0.5 level of significance.The findings of the study revealed that, ICT is very much in use and has facilitated Communication between the management; and other staff in the institution and also, through ICT records in higher institutions are not only properly kept but are effectively saved in retrievable gadgets for future use in Niger State. It is therefore concluded that, the advent of ICT has brought about communication exposure, through ICT the era of manual search for document, students‘ information and inadequacy of space for shelves and files have become a thing of the past in higher institutions in Niger State. The study therefore recommended that, more ICT facilities should be provided in the required quantity and quality in all higher institutions for adequate educational research; also, there is the need to train and retrain staff on proper record keeping, maintenance culture and also for proper decision making process through ICT, in all higher institutions in Niger State - Nigeria.

