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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


Chapter One: Introduction

Background of the Study

Gender-based violence (GBV) is often perceived primarily as an issue affecting women and girls. However, men and boys are also victims of such violence, particularly in contexts of conflict, displacement, and refugee crises. The psychological impact of GBV on male survivors is a critical but underexplored area, especially among refugee populations in Europe. The experiences of male survivors are often overlooked due to societal stigmas, cultural norms, and the dominant narrative that frames GBV primarily as a women's issue (Carpenter, 2016). This has led to a significant gap in both research and support services tailored to male survivors of GBV.


In refugee settings, men and boys may be subjected to sexual violence, physical abuse, and other forms of GBV. The psychological consequences of these experiences are profound, often leading to long-term mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and feelings of emasculation and shame (Sivakumaran, 2017). The European refugee crisis has seen an influx of displaced individuals from conflict zones, many of whom have endured various forms of violence. Male survivors in these groups often face additional challenges, such as the fear of not being believed, lack of specialized support services, and the pressure to conform to traditional notions of masculinity (Vigoya, 2018).


This study aims to explore the psychological impact of GBV on male survivors among refugees in Europe, with a focus on understanding the unique challenges they face and the coping mechanisms they employ. By shedding light on this often-neglected issue, the study seeks to contribute to the broader discourse on GBV and inform the development of more inclusive support services that address the needs of all survivors, regardless of gender.


Statement of the Problem

The psychological impact of GBV on male survivors is a critical yet under-researched area, particularly in the context of refugee populations in Europe. Despite the growing awareness of the prevalence of GBV among men and boys in conflict and post-conflict settings, there remains a significant lack of attention to the mental health needs of these survivors. Traditional gender norms and societal stigmas often prevent male survivors from seeking help or even acknowledging their experiences, leading to a range of untreated psychological issues (Oosterhoff et al., 2014).


In Europe, where many refugees have fled from regions plagued by conflict and violence, the challenges faced by male survivors are compounded by cultural differences, legal barriers, and inadequate support services. The existing frameworks for addressing GBV are largely designed with female survivors in mind, often neglecting the specific needs of men and boys. As a result, male survivors may suffer in silence, with their psychological trauma going unaddressed (Christian et al., 2017).


This study seeks to address this gap by exploring the psychological impact of GBV on male survivors among refugees in Europe. It will examine the types of GBV experienced by male refugees, the psychological consequences of these experiences, and the barriers to accessing mental health support. The findings of this study are expected to inform the development of more inclusive and effective support services for all GBV survivors.


Objectives of the Study

To explore the types of gender-based violence experienced by male survivors among refugees in Europe.

To assess the psychological impact of gender-based violence on male survivors in the refugee context.

To identify the barriers to accessing mental health support for male survivors of gender-based violence in Europe.


Research Questions

What types of gender-based violence are experienced by male survivors among refugees in Europe?

What are the psychological impacts of gender-based violence on male survivors in the refugee context?

What barriers do male survivors of gender-based violence face in accessing mental health support in Europe?


Significance of the Study

This study is significant for several key stakeholders, including humanitarian organizations, mental health professionals, policymakers, and advocacy groups working with refugees and GBV survivors. By highlighting the psychological impact of GBV on male survivors, the study seeks to challenge the existing gender norms and encourage a more inclusive approach to addressing GBV. Humanitarian organizations and mental health professionals can use the findings to develop tailored interventions that address the unique needs of male survivors, ensuring that they receive the support and care they require. Policymakers can also benefit from the study's insights by crafting policies that recognize and address the specific challenges faced by male survivors of GBV. Furthermore, advocacy groups can leverage the findings to raise awareness and advocate for more comprehensive and inclusive GBV support services.


Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study is focused on male survivors of gender-based violence among refugee populations in Europe. The study will explore various types of GBV experienced by male refugees, assess the psychological impacts, and identify barriers to accessing mental health support. The research will involve interviews and surveys with male refugees, as well as consultations with mental health professionals and organizations working with refugees.


Limitations of the study may include:

Sample Size: Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, it may be challenging to recruit a large sample of male survivors willing to participate in the study.

Cultural Sensitivity: Cultural differences and stigmas may influence the willingness of participants to discuss their experiences openly.

Generalization: The findings may not be generalizable to all male survivors of GBV in refugee populations, as experiences may vary based on factors such as country of origin, age, and type of violence experienced.


Definitions of the Study

Gender-Based Violence (GBV): Any harmful act directed at an individual based on their gender, including sexual violence, physical abuse, psychological abuse, and economic violence.

Male Survivors: Men and boys who have experienced gender-based violence.

Refugees: Individuals who have been forced to flee their home country due to conflict, persecution, or violence and seek asylum in another country.

Psychological Impact: The effects of trauma and violence on an individual’s mental health, including conditions such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other related disorders.

Support Services: Services provided to survivors of GBV, including counseling, medical care, legal assistance, and other forms of psychosocial support.



Carpenter, R. C. (2016). Recognizing Gender-Based Violence Against Men and Boys in Conflict Settings. International Journal of Human Rights, 20(4), 461-484.

Christian, M., Safari, O., Ramazani, P., Burnham, G., & Glass, N. (2017). Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Men in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Effects on Survivors, Families, and Communities. Medicine, Conflict, and Survival, 27(4), 227-246.

Oosterhoff, P., Yunus, R., Jensen, C., & Brown, S. (2014). Research on Gender-Based Violence Against Men and Boys in Crisis and Conflict Settings. Working Paper, Humanitarian Practice Network.

Sivakumaran, S. (2017). Sexual Violence Against Men in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: Barriers to Reporting and Accessing Services. Forced Migration Review, (27), 24-26.

Vigoya, M. V. (2018). Gender Violence Against Men and Boys in the Context of Armed Conflict: The Case of Colombia. Men and Masculinities, 21(2), 201-218.
