(+234)916 4956 264     |      tescentre234@gmail.com


GENERAL OVERVIEW: A cooperative system is any machine, which can accept data and information presented to it in a prescribed from, carryout some operations on the input an supply the required results in a specified format as information.

A cooperative society is the coming together of group of people for the purpose of improving their financial position or standings by pulling their resources together which would have been difficult or almost to achieve individual.

Technology that was once beyond the reach of small business is now common in all places, giving rise to new breed of entrepreneurs who use the computer to produce new products and seek out to and capture new market due to:

  1. A high proportion of repetitive operations.

  2. To improve cash flow from sales of product.

The advent of computers has brought about invaluable achievement to means of life. Computers were able to achieve a lot in a very short period of time.

The situation of computer being scarcely available in some years ago has now

improved drastically as the cost of acquiring computer system has drastically reduced and has allowed thousands of personal computers.

Computer technologies have contributed to business all over the world. Companies, banks, institutions and others now rely on computers to assist in virtually every aspect of commence. They are essential for efficiency and prompt responsiveness, so there is need for automation.

Computerized cooperative society operations will make the expected benefits to be realized.
