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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Community bank was imitated within the 1990 budget speech of the Head of State, commander in chief of the Armed forces of Nigeria, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. Since then institutionalizing the system has gone through a long way. One of the most critical element in the process is the privation of an operational manual appropriate for the activities of the community banks. Unlike the conventional commercial bank, a community bank has the dual function of not only providing banking services but also being a very active agent in the economic development of its community. This dual function imposes great responsibilities on the management of a community bank. These responsibilities require that the management is particularly sensitive to the credit needs of the numerous small and medium scale producers as well as to the task of mobilizing the saving of all and sundry in the community to meet this demand for credit.

A community bank starts as a small bank but with an unrestrainedly capacity for growth. It is imperative that it should be cost-conscious and very prudent in its expenditure and operational practices that is imaginative and aggressive with regards to mobilizing the fund with which to establish a high profitable assets portfolio. (see National Board for Community Bank (NBCB) operational manual December 1991, p 1.).

Ohha community bank Ltd among other community banks, is located at No 1 Ogui Road Enugu. Ohha community bank Ltd was registered in 1997 under the company and alied matter degree 1990, particularly to serve as a community bank which is responsible for the financial needs for its catchments area. Ohha community bank ltd commenced her operational business with a paid up capital of less than 3M to serve the community interest. This bank as authorized by department of bank order financial institution and National Board for Community Banks. The bank has authorized capital of N5m and it was fully paid up. The shareholders are made up of individuals and organisation. The bank has Standard Trust Bank Plc (STB), Union Bank of Africa (UBA) and Hallmark Bank plc as its corresponding banks.


The quality of services rendered by our banks have been attracting criticisms from people in all works of life. The government functionaries, business men, the media and the general public are all very critical of banking services. The complaints range from those of inefficiency, favouritism, long delays in cashing cheques or making withdrawals, tiredness in granting loans or credits, to unfriendly attitude of bank workers. Even government that owns a siseable proportion of the shares in most banks is known to have constantly accused banks of not identifying enough with the nation’s aspirations. The chief of General staff had cause to appeal to bankers to leave arm chair banking and adopt the marketing concept in carrying out a research banking activities.

Consequently, most banks do not put their customers in the prime place as they are supposed to be. There is now keen competition and to compete means to apply the marketing concept. Are these criticism justified, or are they just a mare rundown of the banking industry because they are making profit in an era of economic slump?


The major objectives of the study are as follows:-

  1. Determining the services rendered by Ohha community bank Nigeria Ltd Ogui Road Enugu to the public.

  2. Identify the media through which customers get informed about the services rendered by the bank.

  3. Identify the deliver system of banking services and determining their effectiveness.

  4. To find out whether the customers are satisfied  with the manner in which services of the bank are rendered.

  5. To formulate marketing strategies and make recommendations that would be more effective in the marketing of banking service.

  6. Recommending ways of making profit in the banking services.
