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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to examine class size and teacher’s effectiveness in secondary schools in Ado-Ekiti. Specifically, the study assess the relationship between large class size and the  quality of teaching, learning and assessment. The study also  find out if large class size distract the teacher from been effective. The study further identify if class size enables the teacher to know the strength and weakness of each student.  Lastly, the study  evaluate if class size  helps a teacher keep good discipline or manage the class. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 30 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analyzed, the findings revealed that there is a relationship between large class size and the  quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Also, large class size distract the teacher from been effective. Furthermore,class size enables the teacher to know the strength and weakness of each student. Lastly,class size  helps a teacher keep good discipline or manage the class.  The study thereby recommend that educators and teachers should be prepared and trained to teach small classes. In other words, they should receive training on how they can benefit from fewer students in the class in order to teach them more effectively. Also, school supervisors and inspector should concentrate more on the number of students in each class and avoid overcrowding in classes. Lastly, teachers can share their best practices in classroom management and help each other in terms of sharing ideas, activities and strategies. At the same time, a teacher assistant system could be implemented.
