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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: This study was carried out on the examine the attitude of business education students towards typing and shorthand courses using Lagos State University Students as case study. To achieve this 3 research questions were formulated. The survey design was adopted and Taro Yamane formula was used to determine the sample size for this study. The population size comprise of the Business Education students from year 2 and 3 in Lagos State University. In determining the sample size, the researcher randomly selected 133 respondents and all respondents were validated. Self-constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were analyzed using frequency tables and percentage while the hypothesis were tested using Chi-square Statistical tool. The result of the findings reveals that; the attitude of students towards the learning of typing and shorthand affects their understanding of the course; the attitude of Lagos State university students towards learning of typing and shorthand have an effect on students’ performance in the subjects; and there here are factors that significantly influence formation of negative attitudes towards learning of typing and shorthand courses among Lagos State University Business Education students. Based on the findings,  it is of the researcher opinion that students should be given the right orientation about courses like typing and shorthand at the early stage of the courses; this will set their minds towards the right concepts; the teachers’ attitude should be less of sarcasm. Students are easily turned off by teachers’ sarcasm and the effect is poor attitude towards that course. When students do not like a teacher, the dislike the teaching and the methods of teaching typing and shorthand should be simplified to enhance interest.
