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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Teamwork is frequently expected in the workplace. Basic collaboration entails everyone working together to help the organization, but complicated types of teamwork may entail "work teams" selected to complete a project by working closely together. According to Mickan & Rodger (2020).Through joint and collaborative effort, teamwork increases productivity. Allowing team members to apply their specialized education and skills to a project or a work assignment, hence increasing the diversity of work the team may perform as well as the number of tasks accomplished without further study. It is true that several minds may occasionally outperform a single one (Okoh, 2006).

A team is a collection of individuals who work together to attain the same aims and objectives for the benefit of service consumers and organisations in order to provide high-quality service. Team building, event planning, and activities have the ability to provide your employees with a clear sense of direction, viable ideas and solutions, a strong sense of belonging with and on the team, and clear strategic customer-focused values. Poor team building and planning sessions lead to organisational disillusionment, low morale, and negative motivation. They fail to achieve the promised results. Organizations fail due to a lack of strategic direction. Everyone works hard, but most of the time on the wrong activities and goals. Employees take tiny steps toward completing critical action items, and nothing significant is completed (Froebel and Marchington 2015). Teamwork is the capacity to collaborate toward a common goal. Teamwork is a fuel that enables ordinary people to achieve extraordinary outcomes. Collective action is universally acknowledged as a beneficial factor for collaboration and success in any company or institution. Teams enable individuals to empower themselves and maximise the benefits of group cooperative work. Meeting with others may also help individuals better grasp the value of cooperation and how organisations work, as well as build a culture of collaborative success. Without collaboration, houses take longer to build, governments fail, and businesses are outperformed by competitors in the market, and finally, individuals lose their motivation (Husain, 2011). According to Ingram (2019), "business cooperation is the only method to accomplish anything with quality and efficiency, and it is a significant reason why economic growth is under control and corporate performance is evaluated by top management to reach the intended goals." According to McShone (1998), teams are replacing people as the essential building blocks of organisations - French language television shows are shifting to team-based initiatives and providing more respect to teams rather than individuals. Companies are searching for employees who can work in teams and solve challenges, not only those with technical skills. Teams and collaboration, according to Steiner (1972), are not new notions; teams and team thinking have been present for years at organizations such as Procter & Gamble and Botany. When American corporations retooled to compete with Japanese competitors who were rapidly gaining market share in the 1980s, the manufacturing and auto sectors embraced a new team-oriented strategy. Brown et al. (1996) investigated how managers uncovered a huge body of research demonstrating that teams can be greater than the traditional corporate structure for making rapid and efficient choices. He went on to say that teams are required for future restructuring and reengineering processes, citing examples where basic adjustments such as encouraging input and feedback from workers on the front lines result in tremendous benefits. God used the notion of collaboration from the beginning of time when he declared, "Let us build man in our image" (Genesis1:26, KJV). This remark emphasizes the fact that God collaborated with other celestial creatures during the four creation processes, thereby emphasizing the need of teamwork in creating production, 'Man.' As a result, in order to achieve a competitive edge, businesses must foster cooperation because it is the source of new ideas. Employees perceive teamwork to be a wider group of individuals than the job role indicates. Katgry (2016) assert that the core of teamwork is that burden is decreased and divided into parts of work in which everyone may participate. Backward development in companies today may be ascribed to insufficient collaboration among employees, which in turn impacts the organization's success in the long run. Huge amount of money is also lost due to teamwork inadequacies which to say the least, drains the organization’s meager resources with its far-reaching and attendant consequences on the development of the organization.


Teamwork is the actions of individuals, brought together for a common purpose or goal, which subordinate the needs of the individual to the need of the group. In essence, each person on the team put aside his or her individual needs to work towards organizational objectives. The interaction among the members and the work they complete is called teamwork.  Effective teamwork is essential to the success of any business. As “no man is an island”, the positive effects of productive teamwork can energize an entire organization, just as the negative effect of a lack of team work can cripple an organization. An essential ingredient to effective teamwork is attracting and keeping the right team members that would facilitate productivity in an organization. As such most human resource approaches lay so much emphasis on teamwork due to its importance to organizational productivity. Hence the need to conduct an extended study on the Effect of teamwork on organizational productivity.


The main objective of the study is to examine the Effect of teamwork on organizational productivity. The specific objectives are;

  1. To identify the relationship between teamwork and productivity.

  2. To identify the sources militating against teamwork in workplace

  3. To proffer recommendation to the identified problem as reviewed in the literature.


The study formulated and developed for testing the following hypotheses:

H0: There is no significant relationship between teamwork and productivity.

H1: There is a significant relationship between teamwork and productivity.

H02: There is a negative relationship that exists between the provision of necessary resources and effective teamwork.

H12: There is a positive relationship that exists between the provision of necessary resources and effective teamwork.


The study would be beneficial to corporate organization as it would enhance policy formulation as regard teamwork in workplace. The study would also be beneficial to the general public, as it will educate them on the Effect of teamwork on organizational productivity. The Study will also contribute to the existing knowledge on organizational teamwork. The study will be a useful material to incoming students who may wish to use this study as a reference material to undertake their own extended Study.


The study will cover an extended Study on the Effect of teamwork on organizational productivity. The Study reviews opinions of authority on the concept of teamwork in workplace as well as the key factors influencing team effectiveness and factors militating against teamwork in workplace.


The study is constraint with limitation arising from inadequate material on the subject matter as well as inadequate time due to the inability of the writer to combined lectures with this extended Study, adequate finance is also a great limitation to this extended Study.

Organization of the Study

The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one deals with the study’s introduction and gives a background to the study. Chapter two reviews related and relevant literature. The chapter three gives the research methodology while the chapter four gives the study’s analysis and interpretation of data. The study concludes with chapter five which deals on the summary, conclusion and recommendation.
