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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: The broad objective of this study is to examine application of information and communication technology in the management of Nigerian academic libraries using Portharcourt,  Rivers State as case study.Survey research design was adopted for the study and with the aid of convenient sampling method, the researcher selected One hundred and forty-seven participant who are librarian, staff and users of academic libraries as the respondent of the study. Well structured questionnaire was issued to the 147 respondent of which total of 141 responses were retrieved  and validated for the study. Data was analyzed in frequencies and tables using  simple percentage mean. Hypothesis test was  conducted using Chi-Square statistical tool.Findings of the study therefor concludes that Library automation is essential for today’s library operations  and services thus . Integration of ICT with library resources and services should be curriculum driven instead of technology driven in view of future curriculum reform.Findings from the study revealed that computerization of library service being internet based can be used to advantage for knowledge acquisition purposes by serving as an alternative to scarce and outdated books. Also This will  reduce traffic congestion in the Physical Library, monopoly of computer systems connected to the internet and students jostling for access. The study therefore concludes that there is a significant effect of application of information and communication technology in the management of Nigerian academic libraries. The study therefore recommends Tertiary institutions’ Library needs funds to initiate the full implementation of ICT in management of information resources and services, the government of federal republic of Nigeria should play vital role by allotting sufficient funds for purchasing and maintaining ICT in libraries. Well-trained and skilled personnel are essential ingredients for implementing ICT in library. Steps should be taken to develop properly trained and competent people for this purpose.
