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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


The study is on Evaluation of the Management of Adult Education Programme in Niger State, Nigeria from 2010 – 2015. The study was carried out with five research objectives among which are to: determine the opinions of Ministry of Education Officials, head teachers and teachers on the enrolment and retention of learners in adult education programme in Niger State; ascertain the opinions of Ministry of Education Officials, head teachers and teachers on staffing in adult education programme in Niger State; examine the opinions of Ministry of Education Officials, head teachers and teachers on teaching and learning exercises of adult education programme in Niger State; assess the opinions of Ministry of Education Officials, head teachers and teachers on supervision exercise in adult education programme in Niger State and find out the opinions of ministry of education, head teachers and teachers on funding of adult education programme in Niger State. The study adopted descriptive survey research design with a total population of 250 respondents. A total 220 respondents were sampled using simple sampling technique to select 150 teachers, 30 head teachers and 40 Ministry of Education Officials. Data were collected using structured questionnaire tagged Evaluation and Management of Adult Education Programme Questionnaire (EMAEPQ). Pilot study was carried out on the instrument and a reliability index of 0.84 was obtained using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The bio-data of respondents were analysed using simple frequency counts and percentages of the responses while mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. The five null hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 significant level. Out of the five hypotheses, four were retained while one was rejected. Based on the analysis, the following findings among others emerged: that there was prevailing of enrolment and retention of learners in adult education programme in Niger state; there were qualified staff but not enough to teach all the subjects offered in the schools especially subjects like English and Mathematics; and there were no enough teaching and learning facilities, no adequate fund and regular supervision in Adult education Programme in Niger State. In view of the findings, the study concluded that there is high rate of enrolment and retention of learners in Adult Education Programme in Niger State and qualified teachers with minimum of NCE qualifications were recruited to teach all subjects and no adequate fund to provide teaching and learning facilities. Finally, the study recommended that there should be employment of adequate number of staff at all levels to meet the ever increasing demand of Adult and Non-Formal Education in the state. Adult and Non- formal Education should be staffed with qualified personnel with proven ability so as to strengthen the system and help in the development of Adult and Non-formal Education in the State.

