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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


Health and Safety (H&S) training is one of the most widely adopted practices for improving workplace safety. Existing H&S literature focuses more on the training of workers in construction firms of developed nations. This leaves out issues of H&S training of workers in the construction firms of developing nations such as Nigeria. The result of this is the problem of poor safety performance in the form of higher rate of accident, fatalities and injuries to workers on construction sites. This study therefore evaluated the compliance with H&S training by construction firms in Abuja, with a view to proposing strategies for reducing accidents on construction sites. In order to achieve the aim, the study examined the components of the H&S training capable of enhancing safety awareness among construction workers in construction firms; examined the level of compliance of firms with the provision of the identified components of H&S training; determined the impact of H&S Training practices on the safety performance of construction firms; and proposed strategies for reducing the rate of accidents, injuries and fatalities on construction sites. The population for the study constitutes the safety officers of 25 construction firms registered with the Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI) operating within Abuja metropolis. The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and interview. Analysis of data was carried out using frequency counts, percentage, Relative Importance Index (RII), Mean Item Score (MIS) and Spearman Rank correlation analysis. The study identified 12 important components of H&S Training (average RII = 0.813) which are averagely complied with (average MIS = 4.067). Seven (7) important Regulations identified have significant impact on H&S performance of construction firms (average MIS = 4.08). The study also found that there exists a significant relationship between H&S Training and H&S Budget Amount (r = 25.5; p = 0.074); and between H&S Training and number of accidents (r = -42.7; p = 0.002). Fifteen (15) effective strategies were identified for reducing the rate of accidents, injuries and fatalities on construction sites (average MIS = 3.89). It was concluded that the components of H&S training are effective but not completely complied with by construction firms in Abuja. Therefore, the level of compliance with the components of H&S training among construction firms in Abuja is fairly good. It was thus recommended that construction firms should implement the suggested strategies to the latter in order to create a conducive atmosphere for both management and workers to implement the H&S Regulations and H&S Training practices for enhanced H&S performance.

