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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


This study focuses on the Collapse of Textile Industry in Nigeria: A Study of Kano State, Nigeria.The particular focus of this study is on the operational production level of the textile industries. Other issues investigated were factors that necessitated the collapse of textile industries in Kano. The study further investigated the effects of the condition of textile industries on residents of Kano. The study objective further examined the measures to be taken by government to resuscitate textile industries in Kano. Relevant literature was reviewed in line with the study objectives. Modernization,Dependency Theoryand Theory of Technology Spilloverwas adopted as its theoretical framework. The study was conducted in two selected local government areas of Gwale and Kumbotso, primary source of data was used for the study. Also, multi stage cluster sampling techniques was adopted to select the sample for the study. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection were employed with questionnaire as the principal quantitative instrument; while and in-depth interview were utilized as the qualitative instrument. In collecting data for this project, a total two hundred and fourty questionnaires (240) were administered on scientifically selected household heads of Gwale and Kumbotso local government areas of Kano metropolis. Eight (8) in-depth interviews were held with key informants. The quantitative data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22.0) from which simple descriptive statistics was used. The study found that 193 of the respondentsreported that most textile industries in Kano are closed down, with 40 of the respondents reported that some are in operation with limited utilization capacity and 7 of the respondents reported that the industries are in operation. 110 of the respondents reported lack of grant and subsidy as the factor responsible for the condition of the industries, with 200 respondentsmentioned low patronage of locally made textile products.It was recommended that Government should restrict the importation of foreign textile goods to Nigeria, Government should give out loans to owners of textile industries to aid in production of textile materials, The congested markets, especially the inner zone markets should be decongested and adequately planned, Electricity supply to the textile companies is a critical resource factor, efforts should be made to see that all industrial areas have dedicated power lines that are supplied with electricity 24 hours a day. A presidential task force should be established and charged with the responsibility of doing this.
