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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


This study assessed the implementation of Early Childhood Care Development Education in Plateau State, Nigeria. The study was carried out with four objectives among which are to: determine the instructional materials available for the implementation of early childhood care development education in Plateau state, Nigeria; and assess the extent to which the content of early childhood care development education is being implemented in Early Childhood Care Development Education Centres in Plateau state. Likewise, four corresponding research questions were raised and answered while four null hypotheses were formulated and tested in the study. The study employed survey research design. The population of the study comprised the total of 81 head teachers and 853 teachers which dives the total population of 934 in all the public early childhood education centres in Jos South. The sample size of the study was 278 comprising of 20 head teachers and 258 teachers from 20 public early childhood education centres in Jos South, selected using random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire titled

‗Assessment of the Implementation of Early Childhood Care Development Education Questionnaire (AIECCDEQ)‘ was used to collect data in the study. The instrument was validated by Experts in curriculum, measurement and evaluation, English and Statistics departments and later subjected to pilot test which showed the reliability of 0.79 using Cronbach alpha technique. Data collected through the administration of questionnaire was used to answer the research questions and test the hypotheses stated. The frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation was used at descriptive level, while Chi-square was used at inferential level to test the null hypotheses at 5% alpha level of significance. Findings revealed among others that instructional materials like charts, television, computer, toys, and story books among others are not available for the implementation of early childhood care development education in Plateau state. In addition, to a great extent the content of early childhood care development education is being implemented in early childhood care development education centres in Plateau state. In view of the finding from this study, recommendations were made among others that Plateau state government should ensure that appropriate instructional materials like charts, television, computer, toys, story books among others are adequately provided for the implementation of early childhood care development education in Plateau state. Also, workshops and seminars should be organized for the teachers on the effective coverage of the content of early childhood care development education in Plateau State.
