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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


This study examined the Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on Students‘ Performance in Visual Arts in Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to: determine the effect of computer assisted instruction on the performance of students in visual art, ascertain the performance of students taught fundamentals of colours with the use of CAI and conventional method in visual arts, examine the effect of the use of computer assisted instruction CAI and conventional method on the performance of students taught drawing of shapes in visual art and find out the effect of the use of computer assisted instruction CAI and conventional method on the performance of students in identification of textures in senior secondary schools in Kaduna state. Four research questions and four null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The hypothesis were tested at p < 0.05.Literatures that are related to the study were also reviewed. The study was conducted in the public Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State with a population of 106, using quasi-experimentaldesign. The bio-data of the respondents was analysed with the use of frequency and percentage while mean and standard deviation was used to answer the four research questions. All the four null hypotheses were tested at 0.05% level of significance using t-test. A t-test of independent sample was used to compare the performance of students taught using Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) method with the performance of the group taught using only conventional method.The findings of the study among others revealedthe performance scores of students taught Visual Arts with the use of computer assisted instruction was better compared to those taught using the traditional method of instruction;Students taught fundamentals of colours with computer assisted instruction performed better than students taught using the conventional method;that the performance of experimental group of students was better than the performance of students in controlled group when taught shapes in visual arts and lastly students taught identification of textures with computer assisted instruction performed better than students using the conventional method. The study concluded that students perform better and score higher in Visual when taught using CAI enhanced method. Based on the conclusion, the study recommendedthat the use of CAI method in teaching Visual Arts students should be encouraged and imbibed by teachers of Visual Arts in senior secondary schools in Kaduna State, Teachers should be trained and encouraged to teach students the fundamentals of colours and how to apply it using computers, graphics software‘s should be made available and handy to teachers and they should be able to utilize this software‘s to effectively guide students on functions of shape and drawing different types of shapes in art.Lastly, teachers should encourage students to use CAI to source for various types of design textures from the internet and guide the students on how to make use the textures to making meaningful design.
