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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


This research undertook an assessment of discipline techniques in the management of public secondary schools in Jigawa State, Nigeria, five objectives were formulated among which are: determine the maintenance of examination ethics in public secondary schools in Jigawa State; assess the maintenance of punctuality in public secondary schools in Jigawa State; examine students’ disciplinary management system in public secondary schools in Jigawa State; discipline techniques on communication in public secondary schools and examine the management of truancy in public secondary schools in JigawaState.The research questions and hypothesis were in line with the objectives.Relevant literatures related to the study were reviewed; the study used descriptive survey method that covered all public secondary schools in Jigawa State with population of 6925 teachers, 583 principals and 154 supervisors; while sample size of 343 was used;the instrument used for the data collection was structured questionnaire; the instrument was validated by the supervisors; to ensure the reliability of the instrument, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC) was used to determine the reliability at 0.86;The data were analyzed and interpreted through the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA). Out of the six hypotheses tested, only one was retained while five were rejected. The result showed that some aspects of discipline/indiscipline in public secondary schools in Jigawa State such as punctuality, examination malpractice, disciplinary management system, truancy among others were given little attention over the years due to low level of commitment on the part of stakeholders in the State. As a matter of emergency, there is need for more efforts by the relevant authorities with a view to ensure strict adherence of law and order for both teachers and students in public secondary schools in Jigawa State. Moreover, Irregularities in the maintenance of discipline in public secondary schools in the state should be addressed. Posters, lectures and videos that have a direct relevance to examination ethics should be prepared and presented to the students by the school authorities to enable them possess the pre-requisite knowledge of examinations guidelines in the schools.
