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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


This study assessed the Administrators’ Role Performance in Tertiary Educational Institutions in Kogi State, Nigeria. The study has seven objectives among which were to: Determine administrators’ role performance in decision making process in tertiary educational institutions in Kogi State; assess administrators’ role performance in staff development in tertiary educational institutions in Kogi State and ascertain administrators’ role performance in communication in tertiary educational institutions in Kogi State. In line with the stated objectives, seven research questions were raised and seven hypotheses were formulated for study. The study adopted survey research design. The target population for the study comprised 9107 administrators, academic and non-academic staff from nine tertiary institutions in Kogi State. A total of 455 administrators, academic and non-academic staff were used as representative sample. A total of 455 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the respondents in Kogi State and 445 were duly completed and returned comprising 3 administrators, 258 academic staff and 184 non-academic staff of Tertiary Educational Institutions Kogi State. The sample size was drawn using cluster sampling technique. Data for the study were obtained through the administration of questionnaire. The bio-data respondents were analysed using frequencies and percentages. The frequency counts, means and percentages were also used to answer the research questions. All the seven hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study among others revealed that there is significant difference in the responses of administrators, academic staff and non-academic staff on the administrators’ role performance on decision making process in tertiary educational institutions in Kogi State (f- Cal = 0.004 ≤ 0.05). Likewise, there is significant difference in the responses of administrators, academic and non-academic staff on the administrators’ role performance on staff development in tertiary educational institutions in Kogi State (f- Cal = 0.001≤0.05). Also, there is significant difference in the responses of administrators, academic and non- academic staff on the administrators’ role performance on communication in tertiary educational institutions in Kogi State (f- Cal = 0.013≤0.05). Administrators should involve academic and non-academic staff and in the decision making process. Administrators should adopt a good leadership style to promote free participation in decision making process.
