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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABTRACT: The main focus of this study is directed towards a theoretical investigation of leadership in Nigeria Civil Service using Federal ministry of Health in Lagos State  as case study. Survey research design was adopted for the study and with the aid of convenient sampling method, the researcher selected One hundred and forty-seven participant who are civil servant in Federal Ministry of Health in Lagos State as the respondent of the study. Well structured questionnaire was issued to the 150 respondent of which total of 141 responses were retrieved  and validated for the study. Data was analyzed in frequencies and tables using  simple percentage, mean and standard deviation. Hypothesis test was  conducted using Chi-Square statistical tool.Findings from the study revealed that Leadership has significant impact in organization such that Leadership style determines worker's motivation and commitment while Poor Leadership style hinders innovation and organizational growth. More so, Civil servant in Federal Ministry of Health can only be motivated  for high performance  due to  the integrity and accountability of their leaders. However,The inefficiency and truancy observed in Federal ministries is  factored by poor leadership style cognizant in Civil Service. This implies that when leaders employ in ineffective leadership style like laissez-fair style, this would create loophole for   corruption,  fraud,  mismanagement, embezzlement, dishonesty, lack of transparency, unaccountability,  irresponsibility practices  such  as theft,  absenteeism,  unmerited  promotion,  ghost worker fraud, time sheet fraud and other payroll fraud and  indiscipline. The study therefore recommends that Leaders in civil service should not neglect the value of integrity and accountability as this can boost the morale of their surbordinate and motivate them for high productivity and commitment. Additionally, promotion in civil service  should be based on merit so as to preserve objectivity, rationality and consistency in handling personnel matters in the loyalty and commitment of career civil servants.
