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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000




Charity is a benevolent act that provides assistance to individuals in need through financial aid and resources. Charity is characterised by selfless giving without expecting anything in return. This charity's purpose is to alleviate people's sorrow and improve their lives.  In Zamfara state, charity encompasses several activities like providing essential needs such as food, housing, and clothing, as well as supporting medical research, education, environmental issues, and other causes. Assisting the impoverished and destitute has consistently held significance in Muslim culture and legacy (Kshetri, 2018).  It transforms and enhances one's life. The poverty rate in our country has decreased due to the presence of these services.  Over time, issues have emerged in the foundation, leading to dissatisfaction among the donors.  

The challenges encountered by donors and contributors highlighted the issue addressed in this study.  Supporting charity is a fundamental aspect of our culture as it aids the underprivileged. Over time, trust and transparency difficulties have arisen, leading to a decrease in support from local and foreign donors (Liao & Wei, 2019).  The charity management system is designed to address the technical, bureaucratic, and psychological barriers faced by donors when contributing to charity in Zamfara state, Nigeria. A dependable donation management system is urgently required in Zamfara state to solve issues faced by both donors and recipients.  Creating and executing the Charity online management system aims to enhance the charity giving and receiving process in Zamfara state, with the ultimate objective of alleviating poverty and bridging the gap between the affluent and the impoverished.  We want to regain donors' trust and enhance a charitable giving strategy that is more successful and efficient via the use of our technologies.

Statement of problem

Charity is a generous act aimed at helping and supporting those in need. However, it is evident that a large number of individuals in Zamfara state do not receive the help they require. Although many individuals are in need of help, only a few actually receive it. Charitable donations in Zamfara state are unevenly distributed. Identifying and addressing the needs and concerns of individuals in their daily lives through the development of a web application is the main challenge in this research study.

Following that, it's important to link these individuals with others who are generous and have the resources to help those in need. This system acts as a mediator, connecting individuals who want to help the less fortunate with those who are in need of assistance. Ensuring the system's implementation would guarantee fair distribution of donations and respectful treatment for those in need based on their requirements. By solving this issue, we can create a more equitable society where everyone can build a community that receives equal support.

Aim and objectives

The goal of this Web Management System is outlined as follows:

  1. Assessing the effectiveness of the charity organisation web application in streamlining the donation management process for donors, needy individuals, and charity organisations.
  2. Assessing the quality and precision of the verification process set up by the administrator to ensure the legitimacy and reliability of the charity organisation utilising the platform.
  3. Identifying the main benefits and limitations of utilising centralised web applications for donation management in comparison to traditional fundraising and donation management methods.
  4. Exploring the role of translucency and accountability in fostering trust among platform users, such as charity organisations, donors, and underprivileged individuals.
  5. Investigating the safety and privacy measures in place on the platform to ensure confidentiality of user data and financial transactions.
  6. Examining the ethical significance of utilising a web application for donation management, particularly in terms of charity selection, donation budget, and personal data privacy.
  7. Providing recommendations to improve the efficiency, reliability, and importance of the charity community web application to meet user requirements and expectations.


Significance of the study

The Charity web application aims to provide significant benefits to the people of Zamfara state by facilitating thoughtful and generous wealth distribution. Creating and launching this web application will support various private and government initiatives aimed at alleviating poverty. Making this web application known and accessible could bring hope to those in need.


Scope and limitation

The web application is designed to provide a platform for charity organisations to register, log in, and showcase their events on the website.  The application allows donors to sign up and donate to their chosen charity events listed on the charity website. Individuals in need can sign up and request essential items from charitable organisations.  An administrator can manage and verify the legitimacy of organisations and their events. Nevertheless, the web application will simply provide a platform for charity organisations to sign up and showcase their events. No responsibility will be taken for any transactions between the donors and the charity organisations. Needy individuals must provide the necessary documents to request assistance from charity organisations. Unfortunately, the web application is unable to guarantee that the charity organisations will meet their demands. The validation process for the charity organisations will be carried out by the web application administrator. However, the web application is unable to guarantee the accuracy of the organisations. The web application will not be responsible for any legal issues that may arise between the charity organisations and the donors or recipients. The web application will only be accessible online and may not be available in areas with limited internet connectivity.
