Non timber forest products (NTFPs) are forms of biodiversity used for food, medicines and income in Cameroon. Government therefo...
ABSTRACT: Family planning is an important preventive measure against maternal and child morbidity and mortal...
Background to the study
Generally, sufficient funding is needed for effective library and information s...
Research attention has been focussed on the reduction of image data size (major problem) for its efficient compression, storage,...
1.1 Background Of...
ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to examine a sociolinguistic analysis of code switching and code mixing in s...
BACKGROUND OF STUDY: The attitude of parents towards female education is a topic many people frown at in the deve...
One of the issues that has continued to generate controversy among the bar, the bench and international and local human right ac...
ABSTRACT: Attitudes are essentially important in determining a people’s peculiarities and response to services provided. Thi...
Background to the study: According to Anil (2013:28) “Advertising via mobile devices or mobile advertisemen...