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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



The concept, performance management is broad and in briefly, it refers to the continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing performance in an organisation by linking each individual’s performance and objectives to the organisational overall mission, goals and objectives (Aguinis, 2013). Performance management gives additional value to the organisation by supporting organisational processes and improving the organisational performance (Puhakka, 2018). In 1990, the Nigerian Public Service inherited a performance appraisal system (PAS) from the South Africa government (Kapofi, 2009). The inherited PAS was used to evaluate staff performance in the public service until 1996, when a new PAS was introduced (Republic of Nigeria, 1995). Towards the end of 1998, this old and inherited system was suspended due to its limitations and poor support towards the improvement of organisational culture (Kapofi, 2009). Then, in 2002 the Public Service endorsed a new Performance Management System (PMS) which is aimed to ensure accountability, and improve staff performance as well as boasting service delivery in the public institution. However, in 2014 the PMS report showed that “none of the government institutions had fully implemented the aforementioned system from 2006-2014” (Republic of Nigeria, 2014). Tjivikua (2017) also noted that there were concerns even by those who tried to implement the PMS. Furthermore, Mbanga (2018) observed that since 2006 the implemented PMS had been failing to achieve its goals. Nevertheless, the PMS has successfully achieved its goals in countries like Australia, Finland, France, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore United Kingdom and the United States of America (Sulle, 2014, p.35). The problem may be because of the Western orientation of the PMS. It is for this reason that Ohemeng (2010) warned African countries not to implement western management practices that are not adapted to the contexts of Africa. Performance management is essential mechanism to improve the organizational performance. It came in effect with the intention of managing the performance by providing clear direction between an individual employee’s performance and the organizational strategic objectives (Sathornkich, 2010). Bana (2013) states that effective performance management requires the institutional and legal frameworks with the latter being a soft tool for enforcing compliance with performance management requirements. Therefore, the PMS is an institutional and legal framework for effective performance management. According to Qureshi, Shahjehan, Zia-ur- Rehman and Afsar (2010), PMS is a strategic and organizational approach, which describes, evaluates, executes, and improves organizational performance constantly. This makes it necessary to investigate the performance management (PM) practices of public sector Institutions in Nigeria to determine its impacts on public service delivery. This study reviews the studies done on performance management system and practices in the public service institutions of Nigeria to identify the gaps and challenges associated with regard to public service delivery.

Statement of the problem

An effective PMS sets measureable objectives, outputs targets, key performance indicators, and timeline to achieve desired results (Aguinis, 2013). Since the implementation of PMS in public service of Nigeria in 2006, poor employee performance and poor service delivery have been a burning issue (Tjivikua, 2017). The continued poor service delivery of the public sector has created negative public impressions of PMS, which under the mandate of the Public Service Act (Act No. 13 of 1999), was expected to empower public servants to provide quality service delivery to the citizen (Tjivikua, 2017). The reason for this negative situation can be linked to the poor design of the public sector organisations (Mbanga, 2018: Shafudah, 2011) Sulle (2014) reiterated similar sentiments by stating that poor implementation of PMS has contributed to fraud, wasteful expenditure, corruption, economic crises and decrease in productivity since employees’ performance is not well monitored, measured and controlled.

Considering the efforts made by the government of the Republic of Nigeria and the Public Service Commission of Nigeria. This study is focused on the analyses the impact of performance management system on public service delivery in the Public Service Commission of Nigeria. The analysis is based on the Secondary research involving the review of the studies done by other researchers on performance management system and practices in the public service institutions in Nigeria with the reason to identify the gaps and challenges associated with public service delivery.

​​​​​​​Objectives of the study

  • To identify the performance management system used in public service institutions in Nigeria.

  • To determine how the performance management system is linked to the to the performance management cycle.

  • To assess the extent at which performance management system in public service institutions in Nigeria improve employee performance and service delivery.

  • To recommend strategies for improving performance management practices to enhance employee performance and service delivery in the public service institutions in Nigeria.

​​​​​​​Research questions

  • What is the performance management system used in public service institutions in Nigeria?

  • To what extent do performance management system in public service institutions in Nigeria improve employee performance and service delivery?

  • What strategies can be adopted for improving performance management practices to enhance employee performance and service delivery in the public service institutions in Nigeria?

​​​​​​​Importance and benefits of the study

The findings of this study will assist the Public Service Commission of Nigeria to identify drawbacks and discern its performance management system. Furthermore, the Public Service Commission of Nigeria will able to realise reasons behind the lack of improvement of the individual performance and poor service delivery in the public service. Furthermore, the study will add value to the body of knowledge associated with performance management and public service delivery.

​​​​​​​Limitations of the study

The study methodological approach is qualitative based on evaluation of secondary data from previous studies. Therefore, the approach and methodology does not factor in views and opinions of the current stakeholders and institutions involved in performance management and service delivery in the public sector.

​​​​​​​Structure of the Research Report

This research study is organised into five chapters as described below:

Chapter 1: Introduction: The chapter introduces that study, describes the research problem, outlines research objectives and research questions before explain the benefits of the study and limitations of the study.

Chapter 2: Literature review: The chapter reviews the literature related to the research topic.

Chapter 3: Methodology: The chapter describes, explains and justifies the procedures and the methods followed in the research process.

Chapter 4: Results and Evaluation of Data: The chapter presents and evaluate the results of the secondary research study.

Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion: The chapter discusses and concludes the study based on findings and proposes recommendations for future action.


The chapter introduced the study and gave an overview of the study in terms of the research problem, research objectives, research questions, the benefits of the study and limitations of the study. Following the overview of this study is a chapter that reviews the literature related to the research topic. The literature review chapter compiles and evaluates published information from text books and journal articles by comparing and contrasting each source to other relevant literature on the topic.
