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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



INTRODUCTION: Many people often misunderstand the term "science." Although opinions on the matter vary, there are those who consider it a mysterious force, akin to magic. Like the tale of the blind men and the elephant, many individuals who try to define science offer valid yet incomplete explanations. It's often overlooked how much of our daily lives revolve around scientific principles. For instance, when you start your day by hydrating with a refreshing glass of water instead of paraffin, you are engaging in scientific behaviour. Observing your mother lighting a candle and watching it melt is a scientific activity. The baker's act of adding yeast to flour to make it rise is also a scientific process. The barber in your village demonstrates his scientific knowledge by using a soap solution to make his customer's hair soft. Therefore, science is not perceived as a mystical phenomenon by certain individuals. Science is present in every aspect of our lives. In the words of Ofuebe (2007), science is described as a dynamic human activity that focuses on comprehending the inner workings of our world. According to Ali (2002), the concept of science encompasses a wide range of knowledge, skills, and processes related to the natural world. He argues that science focuses on a range of investigative processes and activities related to understanding and manipulating the natural world. The accumulation of reliable and verifiable information from these processes is crucial for use in science and other disciplines. Aniodoh (1991) defined science as a body of knowledge that is obtained through systematic and procedural processes, relying on tentative observations and experiments. The above statement highlights the perspective that science can be seen as a method of thinking, exploring, and accumulating knowledge in order to comprehend the natural world. Science is both a product and a process. Ambuno, Egunifomi, Osakwe (2008) observed that science has played a crucial role in shaping the world as we know it today. The world has been completely transformed by technological advancement. This has become a part of every aspect of our lives, including communications, health, agriculture, building, and more. The progress of exploring the universe and enhancing our living conditions in various aspects such as homes, schools, and roads heavily relies on the advancements in science, including the development of modern equipment and materials. Given the rapid changes occurring in our world due to human activities and population growth, it is crucial that we prioritise scientific inquiry to find solutions for current and future challenges. Scientists have conducted extensive biological research, resulting in numerous breakthroughs in medicine, technology, agriculture, and genetics.The positive impacts of science are highlighted by Aniodoh (2001), who emphasises how science and technology enable humans to build various types of structures such as homes, markets, schools, hospitals, and more.The study of biology involves exploring the intricacies of life and the structures of living organisms. The field of biology focuses on the examination of living organisms, encompassing their structure, behaviour, distribution, and the intricate connections they share with their surroundings. Abugu (2007) asserts that biology is a natural science that focuses on the study of living organisms, including plants and animals. In addition, Iloeje (1981) described Biology as the field of study that focuses on living organisms. The statement suggests that humans inhabit a fascinating world, teeming with a diverse array of animals, plants, rivers, oceans, deserts, mountains, and more. As a curious individual, humans find joy in exploring the world around them. They have a desire to understand the universe and everything within it. They are driven to investigate the origins, nature, characteristics, and other aspects of all things. In their pursuit of knowledge, they ask numerous questions and strive to find systematic and unbiased answers. He engages in experimentation and observation, which are fundamental to science, in order to achieve his goal. In secondary schools, biology, like other science subjects, involves a range of practical activities. Biology, like other sciences, aims to simplify theoretical content to improve instruction and learning of the subject. Allan, Rob, and Jonathan (2000) highlighted the importance of practical activities in biology as a stepping stone towards gaining real scientific knowledge. The engagement of learners in practical work is crucial for stimulating their interest in the science subject they are studying. By actively participating in useful activities, learners not only acquire knowledge but also develop long-term memory that cannot be achieved through theory alone. It is evident that learners gain a deeper understanding in science lessons when they are given the opportunity to engage in various activities such as manipulating apparatus, classifying, designing, experimenting, hypothesising, making inferences, and verifying results. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the presentation of students' biology practical activities and its impact on their performance in biology. Regrettably, the current state of secondary schools reveals a concerning lack of practical activities for students. This leads to consistent underperformance in biology.

Eze (1995) emphasised the importance of biology as a science subject in developing critical thinking skills through accurate observation. He also highlighted the significance of practical exercises in teaching biology, although some teachers choose not to incorporate them. They argue that the use of laboratory materials consumes a significant amount of time. The foundation of a biology education programme lies in the practical application of skills, knowledge, and experiences gained by students. By engaging in hands-on biology work, students are able to apply their classroom learning in real-world settings. Opul, Ezeh and Ezemagu (2008) emphasised the importance of practical work in biology, stating that there is no substitute for it. They highlighted that practical experiments are crucial for gaining knowledge in this field. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the academic performance of biology students in Enugu, East Government Area, specifically in practical activities. Eya, Eze and Ani (2003) express concern over the declining quality of science education in Nigeria throughout the years. Researchers have identified several factors that are believed to play a significant role in this issue, with the teacher factor being particularly prominent. Many factors have been identified as contributing to the neglect of the practical aspect of biology in schools. These include the lack of materials and equipment provided by school authorities, as well as teachers not fully recognising the importance of practical work in science teaching. In his study, Aniodoh (2001) emphasised the importance of a strong understanding of biology for effectively managing our natural resources, providing quality health facilities, ensuring sufficient food supply, and creating a favourable living environment. Therefore, it is crucial to promote the teaching and learning of biology in schools.Considering the points mentioned, it is important for all Nigerians, including researchers, to take this issue of backwardness seriously. The teaching and learning of core science subjects, such as biology, requires careful consideration. The field of biology encompasses the study of various life forms, ranging from humans and animals to plants and even microscopic organisms like bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye. Biology plays a crucial role in various fields such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and food technology.

Aniodoh (2001) observed that effective teaching and learning require accurate and exact observations, carefulness and thoroughness of technique and logical interpretation of data. He emphasized that practical work is the part of the study of biology and should go hand in hand with theory. The National Policy on Education (1981) stipulates that biology should be taught at the secondary school level. And in pursuance of the goals of the policy, the West African Examination Council (WAEC) in their syllabus (1998 – 2003) came up with the following aims and objectives in the teaching of biology in secondary schools:

  1. To understand the structure and functions of living organisms as well as to appreciate nature

  2. To acquire adequate laboratory and field skills in order to carry out and evaluate experiments and projects in biology

  3. To acquire necessary scientific skills, for example, observations, classification and interpretation of biology data

  4. To impart relevant knowledge in biology needed for future advanced studies in biology

  5. To acquire scientific attitude for problem solving

  6. To be able to apply biological principles in every day in matters that affect personal, social, environmental, community health and economic problems. It is of great importance in order to achieve the above objectives that there should be effective teaching and learning.


Not much attention has been giving to the performance of the students in senior secondary school subjects most especially in biology and biology practical aspect of biology in schools has been blamed on such factors as the inability of the school authorities to provide materials and equipment for practical work, teachers failure to recognize the importance of practical work in science teaching.

According to Anidodoh (2001) in his study noted that a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of biology is needed for the management of our natural resources, provision of good health facilities, adequate food supply and favourable life environment. Thus, the teaching and learning of biology has to be encouraged in the schools. Moreover, this neglect, no doubt has relegated these subjects to the background in our senior secondary certificate examination. A close look at the 2008 – 2010 SSCE result records confirms that student’s performance has been very poor generally and particularly in biology practical, failure is a great problem as it  will effect the students performances in science senior secondary school; that is why the researchers have decided to look into the cause and effects of biology practical;. This increasing number of dropouts in the area of the study is a clear pointer to the theme. In the light of the above, it should be a general concern of every Nigerian including the researchers to view this backwardness with some seriousness. There is great need to look into the issue of teaching and learning of the science subjects – biology etc. Biologists usually study are forms of life including ourselves, other animals, plants and microscopic living things such bacteria which is too small to see with our naked eyes. Biology is needed in medicine, nursing, pharmacy food technology etc


The main purpose of this study is to find out the effect of biology practical on academic achievement of male and female senior secondary school biology students in Enugu East Local Government. Specifically, the study intends to find out:

  1. Whether there is any significant difference in the mean scores of students taught biology using practical methods and theory methods.

  2. Whether there is any significant difference between the mean scores of male and female students taught biology using practical methods.

  3. Whether there is any significant difference between the mean scores of urban and rural schools students taught biology using practical methods.


The result obtained from the study will benefit the following people: Government, Teachers and Students

Government: The study will help to motivate the Government to equip secondary schools with necessary practical equipment for the teaching of biology.

Teachers: This will assist classroom teachers in the organization of practical that would help to develop skills and knowledge in the students. It will also enable trained teachers to adopt those teaching and learning methods that would aid them in organization of their subjects matter for the students.

Students: When students understand more, the importance of biology practical skills, they are equipped to secure employment and this would in no small measure make them contribute meaningfully to the development of the society. Practical method of teaching can also increases the interest of the students to practical works.


The following three research questions guided the study

  1. Is there any difference in the mean scores of students taught biology using practical and theory methods?

  2. Is there difference between the mean scores of male and female students taught biology using the practical methods?

  3. Is there any difference between the mean scores of rural and urban students taught biology using practical method?


There is no significant difference in the scores of students taught biology using practical method and those taught using theoretical method.


The study is limited to secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government, to meet up with the cost.
