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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



Background of the study: The problems with national integration in Nigeria are so severe that the country's federation is on the verge of dissolving altogether. Both antagonistic and integrative processes may be attributed to the diverse structure of the country, which, when combined with the incorrect way of the country's development, gave rise to the situation (Adeosun, 2022). As a sovereign nation, Nigeria was formally established in 1914 after the British merged its northern and southern protectorates into a single entity (Agbodike, 2021). In order for there to be any kind of acceptable growth in a country with as many different ethnic groups as Nigeria, the ultimate aim that needs to be accomplished is national integration. According to Chime [1971.50], national integration is a process of cohesion between two or more social units, whereby these units come together to constitute a political whole. These units come together to constitute a political whole which includes, among other things, the joining of various parts of society into a functioning whole, the growth of obedience and loyalty to its pars, and the emergence of shared national values (Ailoje, 2021). Therefore, Nigeria would have achieved national unity, characterised by the elevation of obedience and loyalty to the Nigerian state above loyalty to the country's constituent components (Adeosun, 2022). Therefore, social equality of citizens is implied by the idea. Federation is a form of government that defines the relationship between component parts assumed to have the potential for integrating diverse cultural societies. It was adopted in Nigeria as a system of government to enhance national integration, and it is also a form of government that defines the relationship between component parts (Agbodike, 2021). The faiths rather participate in ethnicity, political struggle by social classes, religious conflict, and other such activities, which ultimately culminate in the crises of national integration that reached their apex during the era of attempted succession and civil war (Ailoje, 2021).


Nigeria is essentially a plural society, its component groups are separated apart from each other by significant differences of language, ethnicity, and cultures of Nigeria created differences in attitude, outlook and character. Faced with these problems, Nigeria adopted federalism as a means of achieving its much needed goal of national integration. In essence the federalism so adopted is expected to reduce the immensely aggressive inter ethnic competition and tension, allay the usually alleged fear of domination, bringing government nearer to the people and give the different groups more opportunities, thereby integrating the country.
Federation requires decentralization of power among the component units. It also requires that no component unit should be as large in size as to eliminate others. The case of Nigeria shows that power is concentrated in the central government. On the other parts, there exist structural imbalance between the northern, the east and west of Nigeria. This situation therefore by majority, political power is proportionately in favour of the north above other religions. The issue of revenue allocation in Nigeria is not without its own problems. As if all these problems are not enough for Nigeria federalism, the issue of on shore offshore dichotomy and equally the alarm raised about the marginalization from all religion in Nigeria are by setting the unity of the country.

We can summarily state the under following as our research questions.
1. Is the method of revenue allocation the major factor responsible for the crises of national integration in the Nigerian federalism?

2. Could the practice of true federalism in Nigeria alleviate the problem of national integration?

3. Could religion and ethnic loyalties be a major challenge in national integration in Nigeria?


The research is set out to among other things

1. To find out the relationship between revenue allocation and national integration in Nigeria.

2. To discover if the operation of true federalism in Nigeria could help in tackling the problems.

3. To inquire into the impact of religions and ethnic loyalties and national integration in Nigeria.


For the successful completion of the study, the following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher;  

H0: there is no relationship between revenue allocation and national integration in Nigeria. 

H1: there is relationship between revenue allocation and national integration in Nigeria. 

H02: there is no impact of religions and ethnic loyalties and national integration in Nigeria

H2: there is impact of religions and ethnic loyalties and national integration in Nigeria


It has become obvious that Nigeria cannot make any meaningful progress in the absence of unity. Some founding fathers of Nigeria adopted federalism as a pragmatic instrument for the achievement of the goal of national unity. The rationale was to see if there could be unity in diversity which means that there could be ways of bringing diverse ethnic groups into a modern nation. However, amidst all the efforts, the goals of national integration are not yet possible owing to the numerous problems inherent in Nigeria federalism. It is therefore the task of this work to contribute in no little measure to the solution of the problem of national integration. Apart from thus, the work will equally add to the volumes of research materials available for further work on federalism and national integration in Nigeria


The scope of the study covers the controversies and difficulties encountered in federalism and national integration in Nigeria. The researcher encounters some constrain which limited the scope of the study;

 a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study

b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

c) Organizational privacy: Limited Access to the selected auditing firm makes it difficult to get all the necessary and required information concerning the activities


In this study, some key concept will be used. Some of these concepts include national integration and federalism.

I. National integration: National integration involves the existence of national consciousness, which is the feeling of individual or group identity within the nation state as the only political unit through which their collective interest can be realized.

National integration therefore involves patriotism which a call for supreme scarifies on the part of the entire citizenry for the whole country if the need arises.
II. Federalism: Federalism means an arrangement whereby powers within a multinational country are shared between a federal or central authority and a number of regionalized governments in such a way that each unit, including this central authority exists as a government separately and independently from the others. Division of power among the levels of government by the constitution is explicit. The centre and the component unit [regions, states] have defined spheres of authority, powers and shared among the levels of government which are coordinates. Powers shared among the various levels could be categorized as exclusive list, concurrent list and residual list.

3A. Exclusive list Subjects on this list are reserved for the centre [federal government] examples here are, defense, internal affairs, national currency, immigration, maritime activities, aviation, etc.

B. The Concurrent List Subjects here are to be exercised both by the federal and the state. Example includes agriculture, health, commerce, education, works etc.

C. Residual List This comprises functions to be exercised by the state/ unit government alone, example includes chieftaincy title etc.


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study
