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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



Background Of The Study: Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, believed that a life without inquiry was not worth living. This remark was made in response to the amount of moral decay in ancient Greece during Socrates' heyday. In an effort to impart a moral principle to the kids. He advocates for self-reflection on the consequences of one's actions and the motivations behind them. The significance of an act's morality is essential to philosophical ethics. It addresses what was purchased but not performed (Alutu, & Aluede, 2021).

In our numerous institutions, such as secondary schools, students seldom ponder on the repercussions of their actions. It is against this backdrop that philosophical ethics attempts to investigate this issue, as it contains the fundamental principles required to instill in the minds of the youth. The moral characteristics that any meaningful civilization need. It is the only form of punishment that encourages students to consider the repercussions and implications of their actions. It can eliminate abduction, armed robbery, and prostitution, to name a few, if philosophical would shame everyone (Abdu-Raheem 2021).

An absolute or relative ethical value is a personal or cultural value. A value system is a set of values and metrics that are consistent. A fundamental value is the basis for all other values and measurements of integrity. Those values that are not biologically set and are typically seen as aims, such as the desire to avoid physical pain, seek pleasure, etc., are subjective, vary among persons and cultures, and are in many ways intertwined with religious beliefs (Abudu, & Fuseini, 2021). Values are broad preferences for proper courses of action or results, reflecting a person's sense of right and wrong or what "ought" to be "equal right for all." Values tend to affect attitudes and conduct (Abudu, & Fuseini, 2021).

Scholars who have written about the meaning of social studies, such as (Mansard, 1996), have emphasized that social studies is concerned with more than just cognitive development; it is also concerned with shaping behavior in the direction of what society considers desirable for its survival and progress. Social studies is the study of human interaction with society. Social studies is meant to determine how man impacts his surroundings and how his environment influences him (Alutu, & Aluede, 2021). The objectives of social studies at the primary level in Nigeria, as stated in the 1984 national curriculum for primary social studies, are to assist the Nigerian child in recognizing the following:

an acquire the capacity to adjust to a fluctuating environment

b promote national consciousness and cohesion

c because a skilled and eager contributor to national growth is a decent citizen

d Include the proper attitudes, values, and abilities along with the aforementioned knowledge on the goals and objectives of primary school social studies. the student is already prepared with what it takes to be a loyal and patriotic citizen via his efforts (Abdu-Raheem 2021).

Moreover, these issues can control the lives of adolescents by placing them in jail, restricting their schooling and vocational training possibilities, causing unplanned pregnancies, and jeopardizing their future. Furthermore, these difficulties are economically expensive to a society. Numerous international studies reveal a high correlation between delinquency, such as smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases (Alutu, & Aluede, 2021). All of these issues are also linked to academic failure and dropping out of school. Teenagers with many of these issues are more likely to face many of the severe and expensive repercussions of vices, aggression, substance addiction, and hazardous sexual behaviors.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The problem of social vices nowadays constitutes a source of worry to people in the society both in villages, towns and cities. Youth restiveness is a despicable act being perpetrates by a significant proportion of our youths in our various communities that can no longer be ignored as it implies, it is a combination of action conduct or act that constitutes unwholesome socially unacceptable and unworthy whole activities engaged in by the youth in any community. It is a phenomenon which in practice has led to a near breakdown of law and order, low productivity due to disruption of production activities apparent increasing crime rate intra- ethnic hostilities harassment of prospective developers and other sundry criminal tendencies.

Therefore the aim of this project is to appears the roles of social studies in correcting and improving social values among the youths.

1.3     Purpose Of The Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social studies in the correction of vices and the improvement of values among students. Also the investigation will examine the roles of home training or cultural training in bringing up children who cherish social values in life.

1.4     Significance Of The Study

This study is significant because societal vices have become a menace in Nigerian society in which the consequence is poor up bringing or poor child training among others. Also this research enables us to realize the importance of learning social studies as an avenue to reduce the rate of social vices within our community.


This study will be carried out to provide answers to the following research question. 

  1. Can effective teaching of Social Studies create an awareness of better living and positive attitudinal change?

  2. Do Social Studies teachers recognize the need for effective teaching of the subject in militating social vices and menace?

  3. Can effective teaching of Social Studies curb social vices and menace among Senior Secondary School students?

  4. Is there is any relationship between social studies and the societal behaviour?


This research is limited to select secondary schools in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State. The study will also restrict itself to roles of social studies in correcting societal vices and improving social value among the secondary school youth.

The selected schools are as follow

1.  Egba  High School, Asero Abeokuta

2.  St. John High School, Kuto Abeokuta

3.  Rev. Kuti Memorial Grammar School Isabo Abeokuta

4.  Nawarudeen High School Isabo Abeokuta


Social studies: Is primary concerned with the study of people their activities and relationship as they interact with one another and with their physical and socio- cultural environment in an effort to meet their needs.

Social vices: Can be defined as an unacceptable attitude that is against the norms and culture of any society.

Social values: This can be defined as accepted attitudes that is valuable and pot ray the norms and culture of any society.

Society: This can be defined as a space which people are tiring based on norms and culture that is guiding them.

Youth: These are adolescents that are between the age of 15 to 22 years of age among the society.
