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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



Background to the study: Over the years, internet addiction has been linked to a number of issues, especially among secondary school students as they are the ones that use smartphones the most (Ozturk, Ekinci, Ozturk, & Canan, 2021). The same issues that might arise in a person's academic, professional, personal, family, and financial lives can also arise from an internet addiction. Overuse of the internet can negatively affect relationships in real life and produce rifts in such interactions. Internet addicts are often perceived as socially awkward since they spend a lot of time alone, have few deep ties with the people in their lives, and are generally alone. Disagreements could occur because of how much time is spent online (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2022). Internet addicts may attempt to conceal how much time they spend on the internet, which can breed distrust and lower the standard of formerly stable relationships. Certain persons who suffer from Internet addiction may create virtual personas or profiles that enable them to alter their identity and seem like someone else entirely (Safree, Yasin, Dzulkifli, 2022). The people who are most likely to establish a secret life for themselves are those with low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, and fear of judgement. Clinical problems including depression and anxiety can result from these forms of negative self-perceptions (Ozturk, Ekinci, Ozturk, & Canan, 2021). Many who attempt to reduce their Internet use have withdrawal symptoms, which might include anger, sadness, relief, worry, fear, impatience, loneliness, boredom, restlessness, procrastination, and upset stomach. Many physical symptoms or health issues, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, dry eyes, backaches, severe headaches, irregular eating patterns (e.g., skipping meals), neglecting personal hygiene, and sleep disturbances, can be experienced by an Internet addict (Ozturk, Ekinci, Ozturk, & Canan, 2021).

Internet addiction disorder is defined as excessive use of the internet to the point where it interferes with a person's day-to-day functioning (Byun, Ruffini, Mills, Juline, Douglas, Niang, Stepchenkova, Lee, Loutfi, Lee, Atallah & Blanton, 2009). It is also known as problematic internet usage (PIU) (Moreno, Jelenchick, & Christakis, 2013).

While Goldberg (1995) and Beato (2010) first described Internet addiction disorder as a satirical satire, other academics have taken their work seriously. This word was the one he decided to use because he thought it matched his spoof well. His idea was meant to serve as an example of just how rigorous and complex the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2022). Among the symptoms he included in this parody were "voluntary or involuntary typing motions of the fingers," "fantasies or nightmares about the internet," and "essential social or occupational activities that are given up or curtailed due to the usage of the internet" (Wallis, 2016).

Renaming Internet Addiction Disorder "pathological Internet use disorder" (PIU) is Goldberg's attempt to keep what he first thought of as a joke from being recognised as a legitimate addiction, akin to a heroin addiction. Goldberg took this action to prevent what he had originally thought of as a joke from being perceived as a heroin addiction. Goldberg proposed that it is ludicrous to seek medical attention or support for any behaviour by categorising it as falling within a psychiatric category (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2022). Goldberg went on to explain that if all excessive behaviour was classified as an addiction, we would have to set up support groups for those who were addicted to reading books or who had a persistent cough (Wallis & David, 2016). He modelled the description of IAD on the diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). The Diagnostic Criteria for Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) was published in 2009. The subject of Internet addiction disorder is a common topic in the media, and psychiatry is currently debating whether or not to formally classify it as a mental illness (Block, 2008). A thorough literature review on the subject of pathological internet use identified one of the main obstacles to advancement in this field of study as the idea's lack of consistency (Moreno, 2011). Internet Addiction Disorder is typically divided into subcategories based on activities, such as gaming; online social networking; blogging; email; excessive, overbearing, or inappropriate usage of internet pornography; or internet shopping (shopping addiction) (eBay Addiction, 2014). Opponents point out that addictive traits are not always present in compulsive actions (PsychCentral, 2018). Other online behaviours, such as reading, playing computer games, or viewing very large numbers of internet videos, are only problematic to the degree that these activities interfere with regular living. (Turel & Serenko, 2010).

The term "internet addiction" refers to a specific kind of the more general problem known as "technology addiction." Broadly speaking, people have been obsessed with technology since the 1930s with radio and the 1960s with television, but its importance has increased dramatically since the start of the digital era (Rosen et al, 2012). A recent study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking (2014) found that the rate of Internet addiction varies significantly between countries and is negatively correlated with the standard of living in those countries (Cheng & Li, 2014).

Some people experience an uncomfortable embarrassment or nervousness while approaching other people or when they are approached by other people. People who are shy typically have a strong need to connect with others, but they either do not know how or they are unable to bear the anxiety that comes along with human connection. This is in contrast to people who are introverts, who get their energy from spending time alone (Ozturk, Ekinci, Ozturk, & Canan, 2021). This is something that frequently takes place in novel settings or with new people. People who struggle with low self-esteem often exhibit the attribute of being shy. Stronger kinds of shyness are typically referred to as social anxiety or social phobia instead than just plain old shyness. The dread of what other people may think of a person's actions is the fundamental distinguishing trait of shyness. This concern is mostly driven by an individual's ego. This causes a person to develop a fear of doing or saying what they want to out of apprehension that they will receive unfavourable responses, such as ridicule, humiliation, or patronization, as well as criticism or rejection. It may be easier for someone who is shy to just choose to avoid being in social situations (Byun & colleagues, 2009).

A significant aspect of the condition known as shyness is the development of social skills. It is possible that parents and schools assume that children are fully capable of engaging in productive social interactions. Since social skills development is not given the same priority in education as reading and writing, shy kids are deprived of the chance to develop their ability to engage in class and form connections with classmates. Teachers can set a good example for their students by modelling appropriate social behaviour and by asking questions in a way that is less confrontational and frightening in order to encourage reserved children to participate in class discussions and form friendships with their classmates.

There are several possible origins for initial timidity. Researchers are of the opinion that they have found genetic evidence that lends credence to the theory that shyness is, at the very least, largely inherited. On the other hand, there is research that shows a person's upbringing might also be responsible for their introversion and shyness (Ozturk, Ekinci, Ozturk, & Canan, 2021). Abuse of children, especially in the form of emotional abuse such as mocking, is included in this category. It is possible for a person to acquire shyness after they have already gone through the physical manifestations of anxiety. On the other hand, shyness may develop first and then lead to the manifestation of physical anxiety symptoms. The experience of fear, apprehension, or worrying about being evaluated by others in social situations to the point where it induces panic is characteristic of social anxiety, which is a more generalised psychological condition that is often related to depression. Shyness, on the other hand, is distinct from social anxiety. There are several potential causes of shyness, including inherited characteristics, the social setting in which a person is reared, and one's own life experiences. Children might be shy because of a personality feature or because they are going through certain phases of development (Ozturk, Ekinci, Ozturk, & Canan, 2021).

The term "shyness" can be used as a general term to describe a family of related and partially overlapping disorders, such as: timidity (fear of meeting new people), bashfulness and diffidence (fear of making an effort to assert oneself), apprehension and anticipation (general fear of potential interaction), or intimidation (fear related to the object of fear rather than low confidence) (Dictionary.reference, 2018).

Character traits that cause an individual to voluntarily avoid excessive social contact or be terse in communication, but are not motivated by or accompanied by discomfort, apprehension, or a lack of confidence, are referred to as introversion and reservation, respectively. Apparent shyness, as perceived by others, may simply be the manifestation of reservation or introversion. According to Bernardo J. Carducci, a professor of psychology, introverts choose to avoid social situations because they derive no reward from them or may find surplus sensory input overwhelming, whereas shy people may fear such situations. Introverts, on the other hand, choose to avoid social situations because they derive no reward from them (Whitten, 2001). According to studies that make use of the statistical methods of component analysis and correlation, researchers have shown that shyness shares certain similarities with both introversion and neuroticism (also known as negative emotionality) (Crazier, 1979; Heiser, Turner & Beidel 2003; Shiner & Caspi, 2003) It's possible that an individual's already poor self-confidence might be bolstered by a culture that doesn't tolerate shyness or introversion very well (Cain, 2012). Both shyness and introversion can present externally as socially withdrawn behaviours, such as impulses to avoid social situations, particularly when they are unknown. This is one way that shyness and introversion can be distinguished from one another. According to the findings of a number of studies, shyness and introversion are not the same and cannot be conceptualised as sharing the same underlying causes. (Coplan, Rose-Krasnor, Weeks, Kingsbury, Kingsbury, & Bullock, 2012; Asendorpf & Meier 1993; Chen,Wang & Cao 2011; Susan 2012) These studies further distinguish introversion as involving being differently social (preferring one-on-one or small group interaction) (Cornish, 2012).

According to research, a socially withdrawn conduct in known social contexts does not elicit a distinct physiological reaction, such as an elevated heart beat, in comparison to socially withdrawn behaviour in new social situations. The fact that shyness causes a lack of response in unfamiliar social situations and that unsociability leads to decreased exposure to unfamiliar social situations suggests that shyness and unsociability affect two different aspects of sociability and are distinct personality traits. Unsociability also leads to decreased exposure to unfamiliar social situations (Susan, 2012). In addition, unsociability and shyness are seen differently across different cultures, which can have either a good or a negative effect on an individual's emotions of self-esteem. In collectivist societies, shyness is seen as a more positive trait related to compliance with group ideals and self-control, whereas chosen isolation (introverted behaviour) is seen negatively as a threat to group harmony; and because collectivist society accepts shyness and rejects unsociability, shy individuals develop higher self-esteem than introverted individuals do. Cultures that view shyness as a more positive trait related to compliance with group ideals and self-control (Chen, Wang & Cao, 2011). Individualistic cultures, on the other hand, view shyness as a weakness and a character flaw, whereas unsociable personality traits, such as a preference to spend time alone, are accepted because they uphold the value of autonomy. As a result, shy individuals tend to develop low self-esteem in Western cultures, whereas unsociable individuals tend to develop high self-esteem (Coplan, Rose-Krasnor, Weeks, Kingsbury, Kingsbury & Bullock, 2012). People who are seen to be shy are often referred to as being socially constrained. An individual might exhibit social inhibition when they restrict their actions of a social nature, either consciously or unconsciously. To put it another way, social inhibition is the act of holding back for reasons related to society. There are varying degrees of social inhibition, ranging from quite low to extremely severe. Being socially inhibited can be beneficial when it keeps one from inflicting harm to another person, but it can be detrimental when it causes one to avoid engaging in classroom discussions (Safree, Yasin, Dzulkifli, 2022).

A person with a temperament or personality style known as behavioural inhibition is prone to becoming scared, upset, and withdrawn when faced with unexpected situations. Ordoez-Ortega, Espinosa-Fernandez, Garcia-Lopez, & Muela-Martinez (2013) have linked this personality style to the development of anxiety disorders in adulthood, specifically social anxiety disorder. As a result of these assumptions, it is projected that shy secondary school students would become addicted to the internet.

Body dysmorphic disorder is an obsessive-compulsive disorder that is a subtype of "perfectionism." A person with body dysmorphic disorder is excessively obsessed with what they perceive to be significant flaws in their physical appearance and spends at least an hour a day thinking about how they feel about their looks (Safree, Yasin, Dzulkifli, 2022). The flaws are actually imaginary or so small that other people will hardly notice them at all, if at all. The individual may also have an unhealthy obsession with certain body parts, such as those that relate to their head or face, as well as their weight or body shape.

All of the symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder are associated with the individual's outward appearance, and they typically begin in the early teenage years or even earlier. They include continually checking their appearance in the mirror, over-grooming, over-exercising, scratching at their skin or plucking their hair, as well as comparing themselves to other people (Safree, Yasin, Dzulkifli, 2022). People who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder not only have an extreme preoccupation with their appearance, but they also attempt to cover up or improve upon their imagined physical flaws by holding their bodies in certain positions, covering up with make-up or clothing, or improving their appearance in some other way, sometimes by undergoing multiple plastic surgeries or other cosmetic practises. However, the individual is still dissatisfied with their looks despite the fact that attempts have been done to make adjustments (Safree, Yasin, Dzulkifli, 2022). However, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not shyness and body dysmorphia have a role in the development of internet addiction among secondary school students. Various predictors of internet addiction disorder have been established by many studies.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Over the years, internet addiction has caused great threat to the society especially among undergraduates. It results in personal, family, academic, financial, and occupational problems that are characteristic of other addictions. Impairments of real life relationships are disrupted as a result of excessive use of the Internet. Studies conducted on the students show that internet addiction has been accompanied by major problems such as the educational drop, reduced the curriculum study, anxiety, reduced interpersonal relationships, reduced physical activities, irregularity, and nutritional diseases (Maheri, Joveini, Bahrami, Sadeghi, 2013, Sepehrian & Joka, 2011) Also it has been shown that internet addiction may have serious consequences such as changing the lifestyle in order to spend more time on the internet, ignoring the individual health and main activities, reducing the social relationships, ignoring the family and friends, and finally, financial, educational, and physical problems (Ahmadi, Zadeh, Mohammadi, Masoum-beigi & Sohrabi, 2012).

The obsession, repetitive behavior, and constant covering up create stress for the affected individual and can have a negative impact on daily functioning and quality of life. Major depression is common in those with body dysmorphic disorder, as are suicidal thoughts and behavior.  Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder often have a history of child abuse or neglect or other childhood trauma and may also have a parent or sibling with an anxiety disorder. Research into a neurobiological connection is still in early stages. Those with the condition may also have an anxiety disorder, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or social anxiety, a personality disorder, or issues with substance abuse. Body dysmorphic disorder is not an eating disorder, though both conditions exhibit similarly severe and abnormal body image concerns and self-esteem issues. Men and women are equally affected by this disorder. So due to the fact these people saw themselves inappropriate this study would predict that internet may be the only place they derived happiness and gain acceptance.

This study therefore tries to examine the influence of shyness and body dysmorphism on internet addiction.

1.3 Research Questions

However, following this lime light the following questions would be used to ascertain if shyness and body dysmorphia have influence on internet addiction among secondary school students.

  1. What is meant by Internet Addiction?

  2. How can internet addiction and shyness be assessed?

  3. Does shyness and body dysmorphia have any influence on internet addiction?

1.4 Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of shyness and body dysmorphia on internet addiction.

The following are the specific objectives of the study;

  1. To examine what internet addiction is.

  2. To assess internet addiction and shyness.

  3. To find out if shyness and body dysmorphia have any influence on internet addiction.

1.5 Hypothesis of the study

H1: The higher the level of shyness, the more likely one tends to be addicted to the internet.

H2: Secondary school students have a tendency to be more publicly withdrawn than primary or secondary students; therefore shyness will have a more prominent influence on their internet habits.

1.6 Significance of the study

This study attempts to prove the existence of internet addiction or shyness, but rather the correlation between the two. There have been many papers published about Internet Addiction (Hughes, Johansson & Gotestam, Tsai& Lin, 2017). The findings of this study will help in understanding the internet addiction among students. By knowing the prevalence of internet addiction and shyness among student, one can understand influence of shyness among students internet addiction behaviour. This study can provide valuable information for prevalence of internet addiction and shyness.  The research findings also will be helpful for future researches on internet addiction and shyness. This study also explores the correlation between internet addiction and shyness. This study will also be of benefits to researchers and academicians carrying out research related to this study.

1.7 Definition of terms

Internet: The internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

Addiction: Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence.

Internet Addiction: Internet addiction is an umbrella term that refers to the compulsive need to spend a great deal of time on the Internet, to the point where relationships, work and health are allowed to suffer. Medical opinion is divided on whether Internet addiction exists as a mental disorder in its own right.

Shyness: Shyness is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people. This commonly occurs in new situations or with unfamiliar people. Shyness can be a characteristic of people who have low self-esteem.

Body dysphormism: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder characterized by the obsessive idea that some aspect of one's own body part or appearance is severely flawed and therefore warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix one's dysmorphic part on one's figure.

1.8 Organization of Study

The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one deals with the study’s introduction and gives a background to the study. Chapter two reviews related and relevant literature. The chapter three gives the research methodology while the chapter four gives the study’s analysis and interpretation of data. The study concludes with chapter five which deals on the summary, conclusion and recommendation.
