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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



The need for effective management of organizational policies and procedures must be more sensitive to customer are and also order to up grade the workforce with exquisite training and motivation so as to union a winner or devil a set objective which is the main target.


The need for efficient management of organizational policies and procedures in Nigerian business has encouraged the making of delegations to business managers. These business managers do not sit there as ceremonial needs; rather, they have the role of managing the organic function of management in today's dynamic and competitive business environment in Nigeria. The purpose of this study is to provide light on and provide assistance with the challenges that lie ahead for future management parishioners in the corporate world (Akpala , 2022).

The top management should offer definitive and unambiguous guidance using good rules, and those policies should sometimes empower lower-level employees to make their own decisions within the bounds of those policies. It is pertinent to mode that for a business to nation its position as a "going concern" entity, it is imperative that managers formulate policies and plan effectively for the business enterprise. The usual sources of policies and procedures in Nigerian businesses are embedded on managers. In addition, it is pertinent to mode that managers are the ones who are responsible for implementing these policies and procedures. This is a significant component of the work that managers are tasked with, particularly in the very complicated contemporary corporate environment. Therefore, managers in Nigerian businesses need to take into account the following measures of the need for successful management of organizational policies and procedures (Ukeje , 2020).

When formulating the policies that can facilitate the achievement of the overall objective and goals of the business in question, they need to pay particular attention to the forces and trends such as environmental economics, political sociology, psychological technology, legal considerations, and ethnical factors.

But according to Adekanye (2022), he said that written polices are more precise and less prone to misunderstanding, so even if a policy has been formulated but has not been carried out or implemented in action, it cannot be effective because it has not come to the attention of the employee. However, there was the risk of it being overcooked or misinterpreted. The need in Nigerian company for efficient administration of organizational policies and procedures is necessary for appropriate execution of the rules that have been outlined as directing the organization. These rules must be followed.

Procedure, on the other hand, can be so stated as the system that describes in detail the step to be taken in order to accomplish a set objective in business, which is the primary target that head to the need for effective management of organizational policies and procedure. Procedures focus more on detail while policies concentrate on the basis general approaches. According to Appley (2022), the simple definition of policies as guide lines to managerial actions, while Brech (2022) defines policies as the guideline laid down in general or specific terms to make organizations achieve the expected target or objective, a policy is therefore a guide for making decisions.


This boils down to what constitutes the problem with the study of the need for effective management of organizational policies and procedures in Nigeria. A business cannot exist on its own; it requires employers who will work toward implementing the policies required for an effective business environment. Those policies will not be implemented to the expected standard unless workers are properly motivated, which includes providing them with the required training, both internal and external incentives, and possibly even an increase in their salary.


Once case study will be union Bank of Nigeria Plc which is nation wide bank including moral branches we shall measure implemental of control effectiveness existing in the bank with aspect to certain principles and safeguards which must be incorporated in any  control system as for as business is concern in Nigeria. They are as follows:

  • The system is must have objectives which are relative and sell designed procedure.

  • He is feedback information to let him know how is actual compares will the plans in the business of

  • Each manager in the business organization is given an opportunity to contribute towards the formulation of planning for which be still be held accountable.

  • They system must have a sound organizational structure and well designed procedure.


This study will be limited to few operational activities of banks we must not forget that a control missions of a bank as an intermediation is to protect the value which come into its. Therefore every activities in a bank has implication for the safety of value received given or transferred. Receiving cash deposit or paying withdrawal  request are fairly universal function and would appear to have little room for variation from branch to branch examples will be foreign exchange transaction capital and money market operational transfer etc.

Operation rules dealing with  these make assumption about the ability of a branch and it customers and the available of certain infrastructures. But this is not always the case so what happens in the exceptions care?

Our study should be limited to only such activities.



H0: All cadres of workers in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc are not involved in the need for effective management of organizational policies and procedure in Nigeria business.

Hi: All cadres of workers in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc are not involved in the need for effective management of organizational policies and procedure in Nigeria business.


H0: Effective management has not helped in today’s dynamic and competitive environment

H0: Effective management has  helped in today’s dynamic and competitive environment


The need for effective management of organizational policies and procedure in Nigeria  business should help effective managers to maintain  or reach to set objectives in the business world. The study is very timely especially today that all hands are on desk to enhance business in Nigeria because of the dynamic and competitive business environment. We are in and as  such this research work  is designed to exposé and aid the services minded managers to be adequately equipped to face the challenges a lead as future management parishioners in business.

For the need for effective management of organizational policies and procedure in Nigeria business. There are three decisions to be made

  1. Effective strategic planning

  2. Effective management

  3. Operational

The need for effective management of policies in business is the process by which manager makes sure that resources are obtain since that expected rules and regulation are implemented and executed there no way the required resources not be obtained.

It is necessary to work according to organizational policies in business ventures so as not to go contrary which way affect the business rather the business will attain the it equilibrium point.
