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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The kidnapping of all manner of persons has gained ascendancy in Nigeria. A malady previously unknown to the people has rapidly become domesticated. In the last ten years, it has spread throughout the country extending to places as far as Kano and Kaduna in the far Northern part of Nigeria. South-East and South-South Nigeria have become known as the kidnappers’ playgrounds of Nigeria.  Kidnapping seems easier compared to other forms of serious crimes. According to Davidson (2010), a group of criminals armed with guns and cell phones apprehend unsuspecting victims and drag their victim into a secluded spot and begin to make phone calls to whomever and demand for a ransom. The police with a mandate to provide security for the people are often unprepared for the task at hand. They think their job is done if they manage to secure the kidnapped, but of the kidnappers nothing much is ever heard. As we all know, the police are poorly trained and poorly equipped, but beyond these inadequacies there are worrying signs that their loyalty is suspected. Some whistle blowers have come to grief for confiding in them. The primary role of government is the provision of security for its own people. In Nigeria this role has been largely ignored. The Nigerian state no longer provides security for the Nigerian people. Nigerians have compulsorily become religious as whole families barricade themselves at night in prison-high walls and pray that God protection. But kidnapping as a variant of armed robbery is infinitely more disturbing as it often occurs in the open among persons going about their normal business. The widening scale of insecurity in Nigeria is a cause for concern as all are affected by it. Churches, mosques, markets, schools, homes and the highway, all are susceptible to this menace. The abductees and their families are traumatised by the ordeal of kidnapping. Foreign investors are scared away from Nigeria. Nigerians are paying the price of poor governance and failures of leadership. Davidson (2010) points out that the general state of insecurity in some parts of the country has no doubt reached a stage where virtually everybody is now worried the direction the region is going. Presently, hardly can people sleep because of the fear of being robbed or kidnapped. Businessmen have taken flight with their businesses for fear of being kidnapped or robbed.The current security challenge in the country is better understood against existing evidence that even government officials and traditional rulers are not spared. Kidnappings are targeted at the executive, legislative, and the judicial branch of the government, and also their family members in spite of the tight security at their disposal. This has led to some of these officials relocating their families outside the geopolitical zone or outside the country, thereby leaving the civilian population at the mercy of the marauding gangs. Therefore, this study will look into the influence of unemployment on youths involvement in kidnapping in Nigeria


Every society across the globe has its peculiar problems and challenges. Nigeria is not an exception. As a developing country, she faces her own share of social, political, economic and cultural problems which has in no small measure affected the well-being of the populace. Such problems bedeviling the country include youth‟s unemployment and the rising wave of crime, which have serious implications for national development.

The population of youth in Nigeria is about 46.4 million especially between the age group of 15- 39 years (National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Abuja. 2017). As the overall population of the youth is growing, government should provide jobs and other incentives to teeming unemployed graduates and youths. Unfortunately, unemployment situation in Nigeria, especially the youth has been on the increase since mid 1980s when the economy started witnessing a down-turn. Although, unemployment is a global phenomenon but the rate varies across different countries depending on the size and capacity of the economy to provide jobs for its citizens.

Unemployment rate in Nigeria has continued to be on the increase despite the abundant human and natural resources available in the country. Chronic youth‟s unemployment is evident in Nigeria. Every year, thousands of graduates are produced but there are no jobs for majority of them. Nigerian streets are littered with youth hawkers who ordinarily would have found gainful employment in some enterprise (Okafor, 2011). The large number of youths who are unemployed is capable of undermining democratic practice as they constitute a serious threat if engaged by the political class for clandestine and criminal activities (Okafor, 2011). According to the National Bureau of Statistics (2009), the national unemployment rates for Nigeria between 2000 and 2011 showed that the number of unemployed persons constituted 31.1% in 2000 and reduced to 11- 9% in 2005. Again, it rose to 23.9% in 2011 and 29.5% in 2012. It has been projected by NBS that unemployment rate will rise above 35% in 2013 and 2014 respectively. The same statistics showed that on the average, youth unemployment rate in Nigeria was 46.5% in 2012 (BLG, 2012).The high rate of crime in Nigeria today has been blamed in many quarters on unemployment, especially of the youth. Research findings suggest also that the unemployed youth are disproportionally more likely to be perpetrators as well as victims of crime and violence (Okafor, 2011). The growing gap between the rich and the poor affects the society through increased violence such as ritualism. Youths due to the influence of unemployment nowadays want to get rich as quickly as possible thus resorting to kidnapping.


The primary objective of this study is to assess the influence of unemployment on youths involvement in kidnapping. Other objectives of this study are:

i. To examine the prevalence of youth involvement in kidnapping

ii. To determine the factors that leads to the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria.

iii. To ascertain if unemployment increases the rate of youth involvement in kidnapping


The following hypotheses will be tested for its validity in this study:

Ho1: The prevalence of kidnapping in Nigeria is low.

Ha1: The prevalence of kidnapping in Nigeria is high.

Ho2: Unemployment does not significantly influence youth involvement in kidnapping.

Ha2: Unemployment significantly influences youth involvement in kidnapping.


The significance of this study can not be overemphasized as the study exposes the relationship between unemployment and youth involvement in kidnapping, the prevalence of youth involvement in kidnapping, and factors that leads to the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria and the relationship. Hence, the findings will undoubtedly apprise the federal, state and local authorities of the need to ensure adequate establishment of avenues to decrease the rate of unemployment. And the consequences that may likely arise if neglected.

In view of this, it is expected that one of the most paramount resultant effects of this study is that it will encourage the government to work out policies that will effectively curb the alarming rise in the rate of unemployment.

Lastly, this study will also contribute to the body of existing literature on the topic under study, thereby serving as a source of information for students and researchers who may be carrying out further studies on related topics.


This study will be focusing on the influence of unemployment on youths involvement in kidnapping. Specifically, this study will be focused on examining the prevalence of youth involvement in kidnapping, determining the factors that leads to the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria and ascertaining if unemployment increases the rate of youth involvement in kidnapping.

Residents of Odukpani Local Government Area, Cross River State will serve as enrolled participants for the survey of this study.


This study will be limited to the influence of unemployment on youths involvement in kidnapping. Specifically, this study will be limited to examining the prevalence of youth involvement in kidnapping, determining the factors that leads to the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria and ascertaining if unemployment increases the rate of youth involvement in kidnapping.

This study will be limited to Odukpani Local Government Area, Cross River State and thus the findings of this study can not be used any where else until further research is carried out.


Unemployment: This is a term referring to individuals who are employable and actively seeking a job but are unable to find a job.

Youth: Youth is the time of life when one is young, and often means the time between childhood and adulthood. It is also defined as "the appearance, freshness, vigor, spirit, etc., characteristic of one who is young".

Kidnapping: the action of abducting someone and holding them captive.
