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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

Background of the study: Beginning from the early 1950s, various models have been used in the government of Local Communities in our country.  Among the models which have at one time been adopted for all or some parts of the Country include:The Lugardian native authority system, the American Council manager model and divisional administrative system.  These various systems were however abolished following the 1976 nation-wide local government by General Murtala Mohammed (The then Head of State). 

This reform for the first time introduced a Uniform, one tier, all purpose Local government system across the country.  It was meant to correct the well known defects of the previous system such as; Lack of autonomy, encroachment upon local government function by the state Governments, inadequate funding and lack of adequate qualified man power, how staffing morale and decreasing productivity. The local government institution is perhaps the oldest formal institution nearest to the ordinary Nigeria, especially since the official colonial imposition of 1900. 

In historical discourse, local government connotes formal institution which performs primary public functions closest to the people.  It is therefore a primary channel through which the citizens participate in the governance of the society.
