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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000




In Nigeria today, acts of delinquency and violence among secondary school students have become a major problem, which both the school system and the society at large are contending with. These problems appear in form of destruction of school and public properties, cheating in examinations, alcoholism, drug abuse and addiction, sexual offences, stealing, truancy, rudeness, fighting, bullying, verbal abuse, and defiance of constituted authorities, just to name a few. Consequently, effective disciplinary techniques are needed to curb such negative conducts and to maintain discipline in secondary schools. However, the major issue that parents and teachers should consider in relation to discipline is how the measures used can contribute to a high level of positive socialisation and character development in children.

Counselling Implications

The aim of all forms of discipline of children must be to develop good characters in the form of social conscience. The various disciplinary measures adopted by the schools are yet to achieve their aims. Often, secondary school students are involved in cases of violence and delinquencies, which are reported by the media. These disciplinary measures are deficient either because they are not appropriate or in the techniques of their application and administration. Therefore, this study involves an evaluation of the perception of secondary school teachers on the effectiveness of physical punishment as a disciplinary measure in selected secondary schools in Ile-Ife, Osun State.


There is no consensus of opinions about the effects of physical punishments on students. While a school of thought views it as harmful and negative, another sees it as corrective and positive. However, at various times different forms of physical punishment have been adopted in secondary schools as disciplinary measures and yet, the deserved ends are not usually achieved. Even the efforts of the families, the government and some stakeholders in the education industry towards controlling the negative and anti-social acts involved by secondary school students have not yielded positive results. Therefore to examine the views of some of these renowned writers in addition to the research findings and personal experience so as to be able to know the following problems.

1.    To find out whether effective learning can take place in form of punishment.

2.    Whether there is other method of learning effectively with reward and punishment.

3.    If punishment has effect on the learning process of the students in secondary schools.

4.    If reward and punishment can be combined so that much can be achieved in terms of educational objectives.


The purpose of this study is to investigate perception of secondary school teachers on the effectiveness of physical punishment as a disciplinary measure in selected secondary schools in Ile-Ife, Osun State.

          `Here the researcher will focus her attention on whether or not punishment should be applied in the teaching and learning process in secondary schools.


This study is expected to be of much importance and beneficial to pupils and parents in Ile-Ife, Osun State. Through this study, they may come to appreciate the implication of reward and punishment in the secondary schools. It is hoped that this study will help the secondary schools’ administration in OIle-Ife, Osun State to benefit and improve on the academic performance of their various schools. This study will also help to discover the effects of punishment on learning in some selected secondary schools in Ile-Ife, Osun State.


The following research questions are formulated to guide this study.

1.    Does punishment has any effect on the learning process of the children in secondary schools?

2.    Does effective learning always take place in the absence of any form of punishment?

3.    Do parents and teachers support the use of punishment?

4.    Does reward and punishment promote orb encourage learning?

5.    Does punishment has negative effect on learning?


H0: There is no mean differences in gender responses of the respondents that purnishment have significant effect on learning process

H1: There is mean differences in gender responses of the respondents that purnishment have significant effect on learning process

H0: Purnishment has no significant effect on learning process

H1: Purnishment has significant effect on learning process.


This study is limited to the roles of rewards and punishment on pupils’ performance in some selected secondary schools in Ile-Ife, Osun State.

On completion of the research work the writer shall make the findings available to the headmasters of the schools where she conducted the research, such research work would be a solution to the research question stated on the paragraph dealing with the problem of the study.

          The writer shall endeavour to brief the communities where she conducted her research work, the out come of the objectives of her interview with them, it will be a sort of enlightenment on the part of the investigators since the children are comparable to other children in the whole of Edo state because they run the same curriculum under the same brand of teachers, the finding of the research would be the same for other place in Edo state and infact elsewhere in the final outcome of this little research work will be of use to teacher, communities and education offices and also to policy makers.


Reward: is an act of appreciating a job well done.

Punishment: an act of correcting a wrong act or character exhibited.

Discipline: is the act of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not control the situation that results from this training.

Investigation: is the act of official examination of the facts about a situation, crime etc. criminal murder police investigation.

Sufficient: enough for a particular purpose as much as you need or allow sufficient time to get there.
