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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



Background to the Study: Education is the bed-rock of any nation‘s defense. Education is that process that helps to develop the whole man physically, mentally, socially and technologically to enable him to function effectively in any environment in which he may find himself. (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2009). Ogundele, (2000) observed that no nation rises above the level of its education and no educational system outgrows the quality and status of its teachers. Nakpodia, (2006) observed that in any educational arrangement, the success lies in the commitment of the teachers. Therefore, the relevance of job satisfaction and motivation are very crucial to the long-time growth of any educational system around the world. Teachers are expected to render a very high job performance. And the Ministry of Education is always curious regarding the job performance of its teachers. Also, the Ministry of Education demands a very high measure of loyalty, patriotism, dedication, hard- work and commitment from its teachers. (Ubom & Joshua, 2004). Unsatisfactory working condition and conditions of service which are the major contributory factors that are militating against the enhancement of teachers‘ effectiveness in their performance of duties. Factors such as inadequate fringe benefits, delay in the payment of retirement benefits, irregular staff promotion or non promotion at all, denial of rights of workers, delayed and unpaid salaries and allowances resulting in incessant industrial disputes and strikes, lockouts and academic dislocation.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Lagos State has taken Education as a matter of priority in its yearly budgetary statement. In order to retain its personnel for performance, Lagos State Civil Service put in place various strategies in form of incentives these include: training, career development, staff welfare services through free staff transportation services among other things. In spite of government priority measures, researchers have identified among other problems affecting teachers in the state which include, delay in payment of salaries and other allowances, delay and irregularities in promotion of teaching and non-teaching staff. Also, factors such as inadequate fringe benefits, welfare services not taking care of, and teachers not given the opportunity for further development through in-service programmes and workshops, delay in the payment of retirement benefits, thereby, resulting in strikes. the specific problem militating against the job performance and retention of teaching and non- teaching staff due to poor conditions of service are:

  1. mass exodus of teaching and non-teaching staff from the education sector into other sectors like the banking sector.

  2. most qualified teachers are quitting teaching profession and giving roomfor unqualified ones.

  3. absenteeism

  4. most teachers engage in other businesses as means of getting their dailybread instead of relying on teaching.

  5. most teachers are not given the opportunity to acquire more knowledgethrough training and re-training.

  6. poor sanitary conditions and lack of affordable accommodation for teachers.

  7. delay in promotion and employers not contributing to their teachers pension scheme.

  8. most teaching and non- teaching staff are not computer literate. The researcher was therefore concerned about these problems, thereby focusing the research work on the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of condition of service on the job performance and retention of teaching and non- teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Objectives of the study seek to:

  1. determine the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of salaries and other allowances on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

  2. verify the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of promotion on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

  3. ascertain the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of fringe benefits on the job performances and retention of teaching and non- teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

  4. examine the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of staff development on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff secondary schools in Lagos State.

  5. find out the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of welfare services on the job performances and retention of teaching and non- teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State

  6. identify the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of retirement benefits on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State

1.4 Research Questions

1.What are the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of salaries and other allowances on the job performances and retention of teaching and non- teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State?

2.Do the opinions of principals and teachers on promotion have any impact on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State?

3.What are the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of fringe benefit on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State?

4.How do the opinions of principals and teachers on staff development have impact on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State?

5.What are the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of welfare services on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State?

Do the opinions of principals and teachers on retirement benefits have impact on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of


1.There is no significant difference in the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of salaries and other allowances on the job performances and

 retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

2.There is no significant difference in the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of promotion on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

3.There is no significant difference in the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of fringe benefits on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

There is no significant difference in the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of staff development on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

There is no significant difference in the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of welfare services on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching of staff in secondary schools in Lagos State.

There is no significant difference in the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of retirement benefits on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study would be of immense benefit to the Lagos State government, and as well as stake-holders in education sector in that, it clearly shows the areas of weaknesses that may require additional efforts on teachers‘ salaries and allowances, development programmes and welfare services in Lagos State. The study will inform management and policy makers in the field of education in their decision making process and the use of incentives to motivate teachers so as to achieve maximum performance and retention of productive staff. The outcome will also assist Lagos State Government in the development of effective managerial strategies and policies that will improve conditions of service of teaching and non-teaching staff through improved quality working conditions to achieve educational goals and objectives in secondary schools in Lagos state.

1.7 Scope of the study

This study is limited to the opinions of principals and teachers on the impact of conditions of service on the job performances and retention of teaching and non-teaching staff in secondary schools in Lagos State. Therefore, the study is limited to only teachers and principals of senior secondary schools within the six education districts in Lagos State, as well as officers of Ministry of Education in Lagos State

1.8 Limitation of the study

for the researcher.This study was constrained by a number of factors which are as follows:  just like any other research, ranging from unavailability of needed accurate materials on the topic under study, inability to get data.

Financial constraint , was faced by  the researcher ,in getting relevant materials  and  in printing and collation of questionnaires.

Time factor: time factor pose another constraint since having to shuttle between writing of the research and also engaging in other academic work making it uneasy .
