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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


INTRODUCTION: The first set of thoughts that come to mind when the problem of challenges impacting the grade of secondary education in Nigeria is discussed is a fall in standard, deterioration of facilities, examination misconduct, mass promotion syndrome, and the likes before any other thing else (Ogundele, 2018).

This calls for an in-depth study and analysis that is aimed at tutoring each and every stakeholder in the education system on how their actions and inactions have individually and collectively contributed to the collapsing state of secondary education in Nigeria. To begin, let's investigate the significance of getting an education. The English word "education" comes from two Latin words: "educare" and "educere." The first of these phrases means "to bring out" or "to lead out," while the second means "to bring up," "to raise," or "elevate" (Ogunnu 2022).

Education is "the process of conveying the culture of a society from one generation to the other, the process by which the elder members of a community bring up the young ones," according to Whitehead's (2002) definition of the term (Oke, 2017).

Therefore, in order to properly face the difficulties that are impacting the standard of education in a developed country like Nigeria, there needs to be an investment in technology that simplify both the acquisition of knowledge and its assimilation.


This research is to make critical investigation on the obstacles affecting the secondary education standard in Nigeria. A case study of some selected secondary schools. In Odeda Local Government, Area, Ogun State.

It is impossible to place too much emphasis on the significance of education, most especially in Nigerian educational institutions. Therefore, education is what happens to a man from the day he was born until the day he dies, according to Castles (2003).

Education, on the other hand, is described by Websler (2006) as "the process of educating or instructing students in order to enhance their knowledge, skills, and character."

Another definition of education may be found in the 770th edition of the Oxford Dictionary, which describes it as "the process of teaching, training, and learning, particularly in schools or colleges, in order to enhance knowledge and develop skills."

Within the context of the human society, a variety of educational practises can be found. The public school system is the most notable example of this. The society provides its residents with access to free public education, and citizens are expected to pursue an appropriate education in order to develop into valuable members of the society (Oke, 2017).

According to these definitions of education, in relation to the status of difficulties impacting the grade of secondary school education in Nigeria as well as the attitudes of investors, it can be said that the state of education in Nigeria is in a precarious situation. If one is interested in the topic, they will be compelled to ask questions such as "what has actually gone wrong considering the enormity of its effect on the output from system in the area of productivity and the degree of acceptance in labour market and educational institutions, especially outside of the country?" (Okebukola 2022).

On the other hand, there are factors that work against it, such as the widespread practise of cheating on exams, inadequate facilities, and the syndrome of indiscriminate mass promotion in schools. The insensitivity of the government to the educational demands of its citizens, the blatant encouragement of poor productivity by both public and commercial organisations, and the absence of a work ethic among an increasing number of students are all potential factors for these problems (Ogundele, 2018).

When we compare the grade of secondary education in Nigeria to what it was in the 1970s, we find that the education level in Nigeria was much higher back then, which was very encouraging for the society and the country as a whole.

The obstacles that need to be overcome in society always take the form of problems that should be fixed. It is generally accepted by development economists that the disparity in educational opportunities, as well as the nature and allocation of education provision in relation to the requirements and goals of society, is one of the primary factors that accounts for the development gap that exists between rich countries and poor countries (Ogunnu 2022).

Education instils both the information and skills necessary to increase productivity, which in turn provides a pathway out of poverty. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the majority of stable democracies in the world today may be found in those countries that view education and health as essential components of national growth and development (Oke, 2017).

An analysis of the factors that contribute to the declining quality of secondary education in Nigeria is the primary objective of this research project. From the specific point of view of its role in the various efforts the government is making to reduce poverty, as well as making suggestions on how the education sub-section can be reorganised to have a positive impact on the living standards of the majority of the Nigerian people, this report examines the topic (Ogunnu 2022).

To raise the quality of secondary education, the government must show concern for the requirements of the educational system, and it is critical that students be instilled with the work ethic that is required of them by having qualified instructors (Oke, 2017).

Our conception of education will encompass both the instruction obtained within the confines of a classroom as well as the instruction received from outside organisations. 


The importance of education could be seen by evaluating the goals and aspiration of the society.

For instance, it has been noticed that the major factor affecting the standard of secondary education in Nigeria are:

-   Government insensitivity to educational need i.e Lack of necessary materials like Test books, lecture rooms e.t.c

-    Lack of the spirit of hard-work among growing number of student

-    Indiscriminate mass promotion syndrome in schools.

-    Examination malpractice e.t.c

Despite the fact that most of the schools lack learning facilities and a complete set of teachers. All these lead to the fall in the standard of secondary school education in Nigeria.


The purpose of this study is base on the obstacles affecting the secondary education standard in Nigeria. A case study of some selected secondary schools in Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State. This project will focus on some challenges affecting the standard of secondary education in Nigeria.


The following are fundamental questions this research intends to find out

i.  What are the attitudes of the senior secondary school student to the teaching and learning in school?

ii. What are those parental attitudes that can influence teaching and learning in secondary schools?

iii. What are the contribution of government towards the standard of secondary education

iv.  Can the standard of education in Nigeria improve?


For the purpose of this study, the following hypothesis are formulated.

Ha1: There should be effective teaching and learning among the secondary school student in order to achieve standard education.

Ha2: Qualified and experience teachers should be provided to enhance learning.


This study aims at investigating the challenges affecting the standard of secondary education in Nigeria. A case study of some selected senior Secondary Schools in Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State and solution to the identified problems.

It is more not possible for the researcher to cover the whole schools, but 10 schools be examined i.e. Salawu Abiola Secondary School, Asero High School, Nawaru-Deen High School, F.C.E Model Secondary, Alagbagba Comprehensive High Secondary School e.t.c was selected based on limitation.


The outcome of this research work will be of great importance to the students, staff, parents and other people in the community of Odeda Local Government Area, by providing the best solution to the identified problems. This research work will also help the secondary school Administrators to know the challenges affecting the standard of secondary education in Nigeria.

Furthermore, the study also will help government to know their weak point and the necessary adjustment to the identified problems.


This research study is limited to some selected secondary schools in Odeda Local Government Abeokuta, Ogun State. This is because of the constraints that were encountered. The main constraint was that the materials used for the researcher to get.

Also variable such as teachers attitude, parents attitude were used to carryout the research work.


Challenges: A new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skills.

Standard: A level of quality especially one that people think is acceptable.

Stakeholder: A person or company that is involved in a particular organization, project or system e.t.c especially because they have invested money in it.

Deteriorate: For something to become worse.

Secondary: Teaching children within the age of 11-18years

Affect: To produce a change in somebody or something

Constraints: Means strict control of one’s behaviour or something that si very difficultly
