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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000



1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Urbanization dynamics with the physical power and forces of pulling a large number of people to become permanently concentrated in a relatively small area of forming cities as a result of large number of people migrating in search of greener pasture(Crowe, 2000). The advent of industrialization marks a great turn in human resistance, it being the antecedent that has brought tremendous in every aspect of human social life the dividend of industrialization is double faceted, one of which is being pivotal in the development or economics, attainment of political pore and general changes in social cultural life, industrial area are often view as the epitome of good living attracts a high inflow of people in search of green pasture(Lloyd, 2013). However industrialization is a major cause of the myriad of social problem that have been plug in human societies to this crime which is one of major social problem that private our society is quite pertinent to the study.

For the decades researchers have carried out studies on the incidence of crime. They have attempted to explain why crime is more prevalent in certain place that others. In concordance with this, studies have often speculated that crime is predominant in urban areas, however the features aligns with urban areas show that they have in-tendency to have more frequent occurrence of crime. Features such as the high population, the high level of inequalities, interogeneous natures of the resident. The social control mechanism among others(Owumi, & Ajayi, 2013). The field or sociology has been termed urban crime studies. It involve the scientific study of crime in urban-area and stretches across measuring the frequencies of crime cases in urban area using available data provided by statistics agencies or police report, the demographic features such as population size and density. The immigration/emigration and then the socio-economic and culture factors. The factors mentioned are instrumented in aiding researchers view the pattern of an area assuming status and the seemingly proportionate level of crime.


Urban life is usually depicted with negativity stemming from the words of red field urban sociology thus assumption cannot be regarded as far-fetched. The social relationship in urban areas can almost be set at zero tolerance. individuals are too engrossed in securing there basic needs and any other activity is deemed as secondary.the problem of crime in urban sociology as a discipline.urban residents live with crime every day, from non violence oriented crimes like rape, armed robbery and murder. also the indiscriminate use of hard drug is becoming quite habitual among the young people in the urban areas(Aderinto, 2008). with these mentioned, the question then arises that are there no way in which crime in urban ares can be checked? In rural systems social control mechanism are mainly informed in nature (though there are still formal mechanism present) since  rural communities are very homogeneous individuals can be deterred from crime when they are aware that someone close to them might discover any acts of crime they commits. That is the closely lariat relationship such as immediate family members, the extended family and the other kinsmen acting as a third eye and at the same time serving as a check on their activities.

However in urban area the reverse is the case, the heterogeneous nature of the resident caused by a near obsessive drive to achieve the mainstream valves (which is the acquisition of wealth was diminishes any aspect or this informal form of social control and even if there was it would be as it’s most minimal(Cornish, 2003).

The control of crime is now  left to the formal agents or social control, which is mainly the police. The primary priority of the police is to secure and protect the lives and property of the citizens. A rather rhetoric question can then proposed, “how far have the police gone in fighting and cubing crime to a considerable level?” this question can be regarded as rhetoric considering the fact that the police in some cases are the prepetrators of the problem in question crime(Cozens, 2008). They have been know to carry out their justices in streaks of violence (refereed to as police brutality) extorting the populace and forming alliances with criminal gangs.


This research is essentially a descriptive one, bearing in mind that previously a bit of extensive research has gone onto the issue of crime in urban areas. It is assumed that urban areas are synonymous with crime and that the more reason an area becomes the level of crime increases. We shall attempt to have a more lucid perspective of this, simulating with the “Ibara” community of abeokuta south local government as our study area. The following will be the objective of this work;

Our first objective will be aimed at showing a relationship between the rapids urbanization of an area  an a relative increase in crime.

Secondly to ascertain the effectiveness of the public in reporting and controlling crime in Ibara.

Thirdly to find out of the  resident of Ibara on crime control by the local police force.

Fourthly in the view of the deprecating standard in the control of crime by the police we intend to find out if the adoption of non-formal forms of crime control by the residents are effective.

Finally we shall be procuring solution to the stated problems.


The set of question will be the foundation on which this research will be build on. The question will serve as a guide in reaching the goal of the study urbanizes?

1.      Is there a proportion increase in crime rate as an area urbanizes?

2.      Why is crime more prevalent in urban area?

3.      What are the perception of the urban residents of the police on safe-guarding life and property?

4.      Are there any alternatives measures (a part from the police) for reducing crime in urban areas.


Since there is endless rise in the rate in the rate of urbanizing areas which would invariably cause a rise in crime. This research will give us a better understanding on the intricacies surrounding crime as regards to urban growth. In essence as an area assumes urban status more measure will be put in place to cub the already anticipated increase in crime.It will help to redress the lukewarm nature through which the police reports and flight crime. It proper documentation of crime is more concentrated  also the frequency of reported crime would help the police know how much manpower and time would be needed for more effective crime fighting.

 Finally the research aims to shows the importance of alternative methods of cubing crime such as vigilante groups.

1.6 Scope of the study

The study will investigate the causes of crime in urban areas. Hence, the study will be carried out in Ibara” community of abeokuta south local government in Ogun State.

1.7 Limitation Of The Study

Like in every human endeavour, the researcher encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited choice of sample size. More so, the researcher simultaneously engaged in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.
