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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

BACKGROUND OF STUDY: The educational sector in Nigeria is in continuous change with the advancement in the level of technology and introduction of teaching aids. The effectiveness of the use of instructional materials for the teaching and learning of business education can only be seen in the level of academic performance of students in business education. Instructional materials play a very important role in the teaching and learning process. It enhances the memory level of the students. According to (NIC hulls, 2003; Raw 2006) state that at this time that education has spread wide and entirely, oral teaching cannot be the key to successful pedagogy; therefore the teacher has to use instructional materials to make teaching and learning process interesting.

According to Abdullahhi (2010), stated that instructional materials are tools locally made or imported that help to facilitate the teaching/learning process. In that same vein according to Obanga (2005) view them as materials things which are use to composed ported that could make tremendous enhancement of intellectual use impact the instructional materials.

The use of instructional materials can enhance the learning achievement. Cronbach (2009) states the important elements of behaviour that provides the base for learning theory situation which consists of all the objects, persons and symbols in the learning environment.

According to Umoh-Mac Nkume (2000) many researches on the availability of available resource carried out in Nigeria, in schools offering Business Education programme often revealed the presence of inadequate training facilities in the schools. They further stressed that even the few available ones are not being maintained. There are poor storage facilities for them and so they become non-functional. Obi and Akume (2001) warned that any school that any school that desire to offer modern Business Education programme must include in its programme, a thorough training in the use of thee appliances.

Also to give such training the school must be equipped with appliances with which it intends to give instructions. To take the point further, they stated that for the teaching process to effectively taken place generally, both human and materials resources need to be provided adequately.

It is to this regard that the study wishes to examine the use of instructional materials for effective teaching and learning of business education in junior secondary schools in Oyigbo Rivers State.


In spite of the federal government emphasis on entrepreneurship education of both young and old, the school still suffers some defects such as inadequate supply or provision of resource materials, poor maintenance and storage of existing ones. According to Oren (1998) he observed that, being a skill-oriented subject, Business Education requires the use of machine and other equipment for effective teaching to take place. It is therefore expected that the federal government through the ministries of education at federal, state and local government will see to the provision or availability of these necessary resources for teaching and learning of these requirement skills.

According to Oyedele (2000) citied in Atakps (2001) Nigeria children and youths are being educated more in accordance with yesterday’s world rather than in preparation for tomorrow’s living. This is in agreement with what Umoh-Mac and Nkume (2000) said about the obsolete equipment found in Nigeria schools. Emphasizing the need for the provision of instructional materials in schools, Obi and Akume opine that, Business Education subject being a skilled area of study cannot be learn by the student sitting and folding their arms and nodding their heads. To give this training, the schools must be equipped with the necessary materials on which it intends to give, but rather it appears that most school that offer Business Education subject are not adequately equipped for the instructions. Resource materials are means of making teaching and learning process easy, more meaningful and understandable; this is the therefore the focus of this research, to bring to bear the use of instructional materials for effective teaching of business education.


The main aim of the research work is to examine the use of instructional materials for effective teaching and learning of business education in junior secondary schools. Other specific objectives of the study include:

  1. Investigate the types of instructional materials available.

  2. Investigate problems militating against management of instructional materials.

  3. Investigate the adequacy of storage of instructional materials.


The study came up with research questions so as to be able to ascertain the above stated objectives. The specific research questions for the study are stated below as follows:

1. What types of instructional materials are available in secondary schools in in Oyigbo Rivers state?

2. What are the problems militating against the management of instructional materials in secondary schools?

3.  How adequate is the storage of Business education instructional materials in secondary schools?


The study on the use of instructional materials for effective teaching and learning of business education in junior secondary schools will be of immense benefit to the entire Rivers state and other researchers that wishes to carryout similar research on the research topic as it will discuss the effect of the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of business education in junior secondary schools. The study will also discuss the factors affecting the availability of instructional materials in most junior secondary schools in Oyigbo LGA. Rivers state.


The study on the use of instructional materials for effective teaching and learning business education in Oyigbo Rivers state will cover the relationship between the use of instructional materials and students academic achievement in business education in junior secondary schools.


Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work


BUSINESS EDUCATION: involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories, and processes of business

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: refer to the human and non-human materials and facilities that can be used to ease, encourage, improved and promote teaching and learning activities
