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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: The study is focused on a critical investiagation of banditry on rural community development using funtua local Government in Kastina State as a case study.  Survey research design and convenience sampling method was employed for the study. Fifty (50) educated respondent who are residents of Funtua Local government in Kastina State were purporsively selected which forms the population for the study. Using questionnaire as an instrument, forty-seven (47) were retrieved and validated for the study. Data was analyzed using frequencies and tables  which provided answers to the research question. Findings from the study reveals that Banditry is one of the major forms of insecurity that has affected the northwest geopolitical zone for the past decade. Banditry has affected all facets of human life among which is underdevelopment of rural community.These negative impacts include killing and kidnapping of farmers, chasing of farmers out of their farmlands, seizing of farmlands, theft of cattle, burning and raiding of grain silos, and blocking of local trade routes which keeps rural dwellers in economic impoverishment and lack of development since those areas are not even secured. The study therefore recommends that, the government should with immediate urgency enhance the security network of those areas,such that security operatives are empowered with enough weapon to confront bandits.Therefore, there is an urgent need to strengthen the traditional security system and its conflict resolution component to fill the gap of the declining capacity of State formal security agencies to meet the security needs/challenges of rural areas.
