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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

Background of the Study: Various people describe drugs in a variety of ways. By definition, a drug is anything that when consumed by a living organism tends to alter one or a myriad of its functions. Owing to their chemical nature, drugs (legal or illegal) alter body functions, how people think, perceive things or act. These include substances that are useful or harmful to the body. There are numerous ways through which drug administration can be done. There are drugs that are injected, chewed, smoked while others are sniffed. According to Kithi (2017), drugs are substances that other than those required for the conservation of normal health modify how certain processes within the body of the organism when consumed. On the other hand, in the field of medicine, drugs are considered to be elements that have curative or preventative capabilities against diseases. It is not uncommon to find people consuming drugs for purposes other than what is recommended or more often than not recommended. Kithi (2017) contends that drug abuse occurs in instances when drugs are used for non-medical purposes. From a general perspective, substance abuse, also referred to as substance abuse, encompasses the consumption of substances such as tobacco, alcohol or other substances that have no medical value and are more often than not detrimental to one’s health. Another definition of substance focuses on the intake of psychoactive substances so as to alter an individual’s psychological state. However, it is worth noting that this only applies in cases where there is no medical supervision. The continued consumption of drugs eventually leads to a condition referred in medical circles as pathological drug dependence. When an individual reaches such a state, they become unable to desist from consuming the drug even when it becomes apparent the drugs might be causing considerable health damage to them individually or to other people around them. The negative consequences arising as a result of drug abuse are well documented, whether it is the effects on the individual or society. Kiiru (2015) notes that drug and substance abuse among the youth in Kenya’s urban set up has been on an upward trajectory over the past few years. To overcome challenges and problems plaguing them, the country’s youth population has turned to the consumption of both licit and illicit substances. As a result of the markedly high levels of drug consumption in this age group,  crime rates and incidences of domestic violence have also been on the rise. According to Kiiru (2015), as of 2004, the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate among drug users injecting drugs stands between 68% and 88%. Previous research findings have shown that Cannabis Sativa (bhang) is the drug of choice for most drug abusers in Bayelsa and Rivers States. Heroin, Khat, cocaine, benzodiazepines, inhalants and amphetamine-type stimulants are also common drugs abused in the country. Today, the regions most affected by the drug problem are Rivers and Bayelsa (Chege, Mungai & Oresi, 2017). The study therefore seeks to interrogate the enabling circumstances which make the Youths and Young adults victims of alcohol abuse from modes as exposed by Kerochio (2018) viz incitement, opportunity, example and accessibility. The researcher found Likii sub-location in Laikipia East sub-county rich area to conduct the study due to its notoriety in the brewing, sale and consumption of illicit brews and trafficking of drugs.

Statement of the Problem

Cases of drug and substance misuse among the youths are rising steadily and at a worrying trend not only in Rivers and Bayelsa but also in most parts of Nigeria. If intervention measures are not put in place, the fate for future generation is at stake. Most youths have become addicts, hopelessness and uninterested in getting married. Even those in marriage relationships, many of them have abdicated their conjugal rights threatening procreation process(Kerochio, 2018). Many youths indulge themselves in drugs and substance abuse for all sorts of reasons. They range from dysfunctional families, peer influence, availability of alcohol and drugs, influence of the social media, unemployment and stress to mention a few. The financial repercussions of alcohol abuse are severe, especially for the poor. If the vice is left unchecked, there will be high crime rate and loss of future generation. Hence, there is need to investigate the drugs abuse in bayelsa and rivers state from 2010-2020.
