(+234)916 4956 264     |      tescentre234@gmail.com


1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

INTRODUCTION: One of the most exciting aspects of the information technology revolution is the combining, telecommunications with computing. This allows information to be processed by computer and then transferred down telephone lines to the recipient computers. The speed at which this can be done surpasses more conventional communication techniques. The process is no longer limited to telephone.

The combination of computer and telecommunication technologies has heed profound effect on the way computer system are organized.

NITEL (Nigeria Telecommunication Plc) is one of the organization that gives communication services to subscriber (Although there are presently other private driven communication services subscribers.

NITEL has the list of all its subscriber in a book where they keep records of each subscriber in a unique way. Periodically when new subscriber come in, they update the book let it become a routine when a subscriber comes in or leaves to update the booklet.

This way of producing information or producing of this booklet will always be hindered since manual operation is involved and most time, it be can become error prone and then misleading people.

This booklet is known as TELEPHONE DIRECTORY which is the fulcrum or pivot of this project. Since computer revolution involves and covers all works of life just as we have said earlier, when adopted and it replaces the manual method of processing, there is indeed going to be a complete revolution in the system.

Using of key fields for searching and retrieving of any viable information of any subscriber will be easer and fast.


Many people lacks the will to read books either of small or large size. Unfortunately, the telephone Directory in a voluminous and it become tasky to search through such text and moreso it involves lot of time.

Inflexibility of this manual system is nothing to write home about hence computerization of the system becomes imperative and nothing to ignore because it is not easy to modify or update information.

Finally, another problem facing this system is the cost of production. It is always involve much money to produce booklet of telephone Directory.  The maintenance also involve using the money and they all are carried out periodically.


Having states the problem of this work (The system in review) than what my reason or reasons of going into the study?

The system is defectize and does not belong to a Millienia generation like ours where computer have taking he entire of the stage and the world is now in what is called “Jet age” (Word or phrase associated with speed).

To uplift the standard of telecommunication in Enugu East Local Government Area, Computerization of their system becomes a must. Another thing is flexibility, as stated in the problem that the manual system is not flexible, avoiding time wasting in such system communication automation must come in.


One of the aims of his work is to produce a computer based system, that will be able to carry out the operations of the present system effectively and reliably. Another thing is to produce an less expensive system that is easy to maintain and update. Finally, good work is commendable, so when this work is successfully completed I believe the society and people around will appreciate my work.


This study is concerned with the Telephone Directory Operations alone the searching, updating and editing are only to be carried out and nothing beyond this in the work, but there is always room for improvements so whoever wish to start from hence, it is a good idea to be welcomed. This  method helps and encourages improvement.


Factors abound to be faced during this work and they are inevitable. Such factors will actually be constraints to the high attainments of getting the greatest percentage of this project such factors include examination which is around the coroner, cost of transportation to and fro my case study environment, lectures and quizzes, assignments and many other uncertainties.
