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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: This study examined the cultural differences and it’s impact on nursing practice in Nigeria. Specifically, the study determined whether nurses are aware of cultural differences, determined whether cultural differences impacts on nursing practice in Nigeria, examined some of the cultural issues nurses encounter with patients, and examined ways cultural differences can be handled in nursing practice in Nigeria. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 249 responses were validated from the survey. The study adopted the the process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services theory by Campinha-Bacote’s. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that the extent nurses aware of cultural differences is very high. Furthermore, the findings revealed that cultural differences impact on nursing practice in Nigeria. The findings further revealed that some of the cultural issues nurses encounter with patients include faith and religious beliefs, social and economic sensitivity, trust and respect, and language. Further findings revealed that the ways cultural differences can be handled in nursing practice in Nigeria include medical staff have to be willing to listen, be receptive to different cultures, be an advocate for cultural differences and be empathethic. The study therefore recommends that well known health associations and advocacy groups have urged the inclusion of cultural competency training in the ongoing professional development of nurses. The literature also shows a need for improvement in this area so that nurses and researchers alike can continue successful education in cultural competence.
