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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: Most suspects who might not have committed any offence or whose relation had been suspected of committing an offence have found themselves incarcerated in police detention sometimes on the premise of a holding charge over the years. Hence, this study empirically and critically explore and expatiate the concept of bail. Specifically the study focused on the need to respect the constitutional right to bail of every suspected criminal save in compelling right other than bail, the need to respect court’s order as it relates to enforcement of fundamental rights other than bail, it is sought to create awareness on the citizens on their constitutionally guaranteed rights, and his study is also aimed at exposing the unconstitutional practice of holding charge with a view of detaining a suspect. The study made use of secondary data. The study is however comprises of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the background information, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, the scope and limitation of the study, and the research methodology. The chapter two focuses on the review of literatures  and conceptual framework. The chapter three specialize on the fundamental rights under the 1999 constitution, while the chapter for explore bail and fundamental rights. Lastly the chapter five contains the conclusion and recommendation of the study.
