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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000

ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of electronic banking on organizational performance at case study of Dangote cement plc. The study will be of great significance as it will help financial institution to know more challenges affecting E- banking Skills and take corrective measures to improve the business. The study used a case study research design, where the targeted population will be 88 respondents. Stratified sampling research method was used in the study and the sample size of 44 respondents representing 50% will be selected. Questionnaires will be the main instrument used to collect data and then data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented using frequency tables and percentages.

At the end of the research we recommend that organizations need to adopt electronic systems in their implementation of services, In addition, the researcher recommends that there is need for banks to invest in training of employees to understand electronic systems in the organization.
