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1-5 Chapters
NGN 4000


The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of entrepreneurship education on self-employability among business education graduates of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Three specific objectives were to determine the influence of an entrepreneurship education on the ability of business education graduates of Ahmadu Bello University to establish a new business, among others. To achieve these objectives three research questions were formulated from the objective to guide the researcher, one among others was, what is the influence of an entrepreneurship education on the ability of business education graduates of Ahmadu Bello University to establish new business? A descriptive survey design was used and the population of the study were sixty-six(66) students graduated from business education Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in the year 2013. A purposive sampling technique of twenty-nine (29) students was used as the sample size of the study. The instrument for data collection was basically questionnaire which was validated by the experts. A pilot study of thirty(30) students from Federal College of Education Zaria was conducted to determine the reliability of the instrument and coefficient correlation of 0.80 was obtained. The administration of sixty-six (66) copies of the questionnaire to the respondents was done by the researcher through the means of google mailing (Gmail) and they were filled and sent back theresponses. Adescriptive statistics of frequency distribution of percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the researchquestions of the study. Chi-square(X2) was used to test the null hypotheses which revealedamong others, entrepreneurship education significantly influenced the ability of business education graduates of Ahmadu Bello University to establish new businesses. The researcher concluded that entrepreneurial knowledge and skills if it’s not adequately taught and acquired by business education graduates would not enable them to establish, manage and sustain new businesses. The researcher recommended among others, that graduates should use the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship acquired to establish, manage and sustain their own businesses, since they had been taught and trained all the necessary knowledge and skills in various vocation and occupation that will make them to be “job makers” not “job seekers”.
